Ch. 4 🖤 REVEALED 🖤

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(Mina's POV)

It was midnight yet my eyes were still opened. I just couldn't sleep with a restless mind. I was still thinking about that girl, Hyelin. Whether she was telling the truth or she was just a psycho who hurt her leg on her own.

I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep. Just then, my friend appeared in my mind, immediately reminding me of the umbrella.

"Ah... yeah, I need to go back there and bring it back. I'll go tomorrow." I whispered to myself, finally feeling sleepy.


Next morning when I woke up, I felt a weird feeling. I looked around in my room and tried to remember something.

"This is weird... I think someone was here last night." I mumbled to myself.

I was confused myself. Was it a dream? I suddenly remembered that girl and wondered if she was the one who came in my room last night. I quickly made my bed neatly and walked to the living room only to find no one in there.

"Where is she?" I looked around.

"Hyelin!?" I called out her name but didn't get any reply.

I started searching for her everywhere in my house but still didn't find her anywhere. This was really weird. If I was unable to find her in my house then it could have meant only one thing.

She left.

But, without even saying anything?

That was very strange. She just disappeared like she wasn't there to begin with. It was quite rude. Why didn't she tell me before leaving?

Suddenly, it hit me. I looked at the clock only to find that I was running out of time for my preparation to go to College.

I quickly did my routines and walked to college.

"Ah, right! The umbrella!" I remembered and went into the deep forest once again. It wasn't dark but bright in there, with rays of the Sun reaching almost everywhere so I wasn't as much scared as I was last night.

I finally found that cave and the umbrella on the same spot where I dropped it before. I picked it and released a deep sigh of relief.

Realising I was getting late, I quickly walked out of the forest and to the College building with a suspicion of someone following me from behind.

Creepy... Is someone stalking me?

I finally arrived at the building and calmed down once I was assured by the people around me. Nothing could have gone wrong with me when I was surrounded by so many people. It would have been a whole different thing if I were alone.

"Hey! LiSA!?" I called out once I noticed her in the crowd. She waved at me with a big smile.

"Here's your umbrella!" I gave it to her.

"What's up with the panting? Did you make a run all the way from your house to here?" She asked.

"Uh... kinda." I nervously smiled.

"Let's go!" We started walking to our classes with me contemplating on the idea of asking her that question or not which was bugging me ever since I heard about it from that girl, Hyelin.


"Yeah~ What is it, Mina?" She replied.

"Do you believe in vampires?" I asked it finally.

"Oh yea, girl! Why not?" She flashed a big wide smile.

"Yah! I'm serious, idiot." I scolded her. To think that she said that with that exciting tone. She was probably taking it as a joke.

"Well, what did you see yesterday that made you wonder about it?" She asked while rolling her eyes at me for the scolding I gave to her.

"Never mind." I walked away, ignoring her.

"What? Where are you going!?" She followed from behind having a look on her face that showed betrayal.

"To class. It was just a random thought I had in my mind so forget it now, okay?" I said to her.

"Okay?" She was still confused but went to her class anyway.

After that, nothing special or unusual happened. I could finally go home when classes were over.

Arriving at my house, I quickly unlocked the door and went in.

Before I could take any steps further after locking the door, I found my vision blocked by a very cold hand, covering my eyes. It made me to struggle as I tried to scream but that person was quick enough to cover my mouth with their other hand.

Soon, I felt my consciousness fading away and before I knew it, I had already passed out.


My eyes suddenly opened with the realisation of being kidnapped by someone. Where am I? It was too dark. Darkness had again trapped me in it's cage.

I felt a shiver down my spine because of the cold and fear. I was incredibly scared of the darkness. I always hated that darkness.

While I was trying to figure out the situation I was in, the sudden sound of footsteps distracted me from thinking. They were coming closer and closer, while I couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Then the door creaked and opened revealing a shadow of a tall man. I couldn't stand from the ground. I was frozen and looked at the person with wide eyes.

He started coming closer with slow and light steps while my hands were shaking, feeling so weak. I was so scared, I was not being able to protect myself.

Just the thought of me being a coward would make me feel worthless.

He finally revealed his face to me and when I saw his face...

He finally revealed his face to me and when I saw his face

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"Oh my... No way..."



I know it sounds boring... 😑 But it'll be interesting from now on because Sehun has finally shown himself, right? Vote and Comment! ❤️

 😑 But it'll be interesting from now on because Sehun has finally shown himself, right? Vote and Comment! ❤️

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