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(Mina's POV)

Today, Sehun's friends came over to meet us and Chen-ssi suggested them to eat human food as he was a fan of it. Everyone agreed including Kai-ssi, he appeared to be good and friendly instead of his usual self. I had only seen him rude to everyone until now, but today he looked completely different.

I told them that I will cook but Chanyeol-ssi still offered his help to me while Sehun made a weird face and pouted which I totally found adorable.

"Maybe, I should help you instead of Chanyeol hyung." He said while pouting as I rejected his offer, internally laughing at his reaction to my rejection.

Wait, he might get mad at me like the last time.

I looked at him to see his pouting face again. "Hey, I love you. So please, don't get mad at me, okay?" I whispered while acting cute, successfully making him smile widely.

Yay, I win!

I'm getting used to it now.


"Here, Yeol-ssi!" I gave him the frying pan he was looking for.

"Yeol?" He chuckled making me realise that I had called him with a nickname that I unintentionally made up.

"I like it, Mina-ssi! Don't feel embarrassed." He said as my cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

I watched him cooking, he was totally concentrated on his work. I started to admire him so much that I didn't even realise I was actually staring at him until I accidentally cut my finger with the knife.

"Ouch!" I flinched and saw blood on my finger.

"What's wrong? Oh no! " He walked to me and saw my finger. Immediately leading me to the sink, he held my hand and turned on the tap.

"You should be careful. Your blood is so precious." He said as he inspected my finger. "Wait here." He went somewhere leaving me with my finger still under the cold running water and came back with a medical kit in his hands.

He turned off the tap and guided me to the table as I sat down on the chair. He raised his hand forward to me as a gesture, telling me to show my hand to him. I did what he said and he held my hand causing me to realise how soft his hands were.

I just stared at his face while he treated my little cut.

Like a mother...

"Ok! It's done!" He smiled and caught me staring at him. I thanked him awkwardly.

"Just be careful now." He said and I nodded.

"You know, I was just wondering if you have any girlfriend." I said to him, to which he looked at me being surprised but he soon looked away.

For some reason, it looked like he was avoiding looking at me and his eyes were showing a hint of sadness in them.

For some reason, it looked like he was avoiding looking at me and his eyes were showing a hint of sadness in them

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