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(Mina's POV)

I walked aimlessly into the deep forest, stumbling many times, feeling weak but still, my body refused to stop. Somehow, I ended up there...

Honestly, I felt bad for ignoring Sehun all this time. I knew that I had made him suffer, I could clearly see the pain in his eyes at that moment.

But... We can't be together.

That woman... Jessica, will still come after me.

It's better that I take my own life, right now, right here.

As I looked down into the deep water, tears started flowing down from my eyes. I was so foolish to think of something nice for me when I never deserved it. Jessica was right, I was a terrible person... I killed my own parents. I was never born to be happy.

 I was never born to be happy

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I was the worst.

"I'm sorry... I'll be joining you soon, Mama..." I cried out.

Right then, I jumped off the cliff. The water instantly hit my face, immediately swallowing my whole body as I accepted my fate from there on.

In those last moments of my life, I was reminded of their faces... The memories... The time I spent together with those people. Everyone...

'This is for you, my daughter! Did you like your birthday present?'


'My Mina is the most sweetest girl in the world, don't you know?'


'Thank you... so much... I'm blessed to have you as my daughter at last, Mina.'

Mother Lee...

(A/N: It's that old lady who adopted her. And Mina got her current last name 'Lee' from this woman.)

'Ya!!! Minachi! I missed you so much! Now, help me write some songs, please!!!'



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