Ch.5- Arrival in LA

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Jonghyun's POV

We finally arrived in LA. There were many fans swarming around us. The only thing (or person) that was separating us from getting ripped apart was our bodyguards. We had to trudge our way through our fans until we arrived at the black van. I leaned back into my seat and took a deep breath. I then decided to take a look at what our fans gave to me when we were back at the airport. I looked through and found a DSQUARED shirt, a teddy bear, and a pair of Adidas shoes. Everyone was really quiet probably because we had been on the plane for many hours. I decided to take a quick nap since it would probably be a while until we arrive at the hotel.


I was running away from a lion. "Great," I thought. I was trying to run in a zig-zag, but it is kind of hard when you're just getting over the fact that a lion is chasing you. I felt like dying already even though I had only been running for about two minutes. I ran out from the thick trees and found out that I was on a cliff. I doubled over. I could see the lion closing in. Its great teeth would be chomping on me in at most a minute. I stood shakily with wobbling knees. I only had two options. The first one would be to jump off the cliff, and the other would be to fight the lion. After an eternity (five seconds) of contemplating my two options of death, I decided to fight the lion. It is inevitable that I am going to die, so why not? As the lion got closer and closer, I thanked my parents for supporting me in Judo. If I was going to die, then the lion would have to go through immense pain. Suddenly, the lion pounced on me. As those seconds of eternity were ticking, I saw the lion's muscles contract and contrast. Its jaws were wide open to swallow me and then consume me as another one of its easy prey. But, then, the craziest thing happened. The lion was calling my name! "Lee Jonghyun! Lee Jonghyun! Wake up!"


I woke up startled. Jungshin was calling me to wake up. "We're at the hotel now," Jungshin stated. "How was your beauty sleep? Yonghwa teased. Everyone started laughing. "You actually looked really cute except for the fact that you were snoring like a pig and drooling a little bit," Minhyuk said. We got out of the van and went into the hotel. It was a really nice hotel and there weren't that many fans swarming around us. We all checked in and went into our rooms. Our rooms were all right next to each others, so we wouldn't have to go a far distance to mess around with each other. I went into my room and unpacked some of my clothes. I checked to see what time it was. It was only 4 pm. We had to leave to go to the venue at 7 for tomorrow's concert. Then we would have dinner at 8:30. I had three full hours to myself. Usually, I would take a nap if I had free time, but I had already taken a nap in the van and in the plane. It was also LA. I decided  to check  my phone to see where I could go in LA during this free time that I have. As I whipped out my phone, someone knocked on my door. I opened the door. "Hey, Jonghyun!" "Oh, you already unpacked!" "Are you bored?" the guys all said at the same time while taking a look at my room even though I didn't allow them to come in yet. "Hey! Seriously!" I complained. "I didn't even tell you that you can come in!" "So what were you doing?" Jungshin asked. "I was about to see what I could do before we have to go to the venue." I complained. "Without us? Oh my!" Yonghwa covered his mouth. "So do you know where you're going to go?" Minhyuk asked. "No. Do you guys want to go somewhere?" I asked the guys. We pondered for a minute on where we could go until Yonghwa spoke up. "Since we only have about two hours to do something, why don't we go to the mall? It's always interesting to go shopping in another country. Plus, we haven't really gone shopping in a mall for a long time since we always have a lot of fans." It was a great idea! We all nodded in agreement. "We'll meet in the lobby in ten minutes then," Yonghwa stated. "Okay," we said in agreement.

The guys left my room to get ready. I decided to wear my Adidas shorts since it was eighty degrees. I chose my DSQUARED t-shirt. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses (just in case), and my wallet. I took a look at my wallet. I had my credit card and a lot of cash to go shopping. I went into the elevator and counted how long it was until I reached the lobby. It took thirty seconds because the elevator had to stop several times for people to go in. When I got to the lobby, I was the first one among the guys to get there. I sat down in a chair and whipped out my phone. I was looking through the good malls in LA. I didn't have to scroll down very far (thank goodness) until I found one that was pretty close. That mall was only ten minutes away. Right when I placed my phone in my pocket, the guys all walked up to me. "When did you get here?" Minhyuk asked. "I got here only five minutes ago," I responded. "Do you know which mall we're going to?" Yonghwa asked me. "Yeah, it's only ten minutes away from here." "Well, let's go then," Yonghwa said as he pushed all of us out the door.

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