Ch.8 Hospital

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Lucy's POV


Both Harry and the other man didn't have severe injuries, and they were now in their own rooms. Cassidy, Kennedy, and Lisa were begging me to let them in to see Harry. I promised them I would let them in, but ONE person at a time. The girls played rock, paper, scissors to see who would go first. Cassidy won. Cassidy and I were walking towards the elevators when Cass stopped by the ladies room.

"Wait! Before we go, can I touch-up my makeup and change?" She said, pointing to her shopping bag.

"You do realize he's not awake, right?" I said.

"Yeah, I know, but what if he wakes wakes up? I mean, I would want to look my best meeting the one and only Harry Styles. Plus, I still want to look my best when I see him, even if he is unconcious."

"Fine, but hurry," I said.

She ran in and I walked in after her to make sure she was quick. Cassidy ran into one of the stalls and changed in under three minutes. She hopped to the mirror, lacing up her boots on the way. Cass quickly grabbed a brush, a small bottle of hair gel, a hair tie, and a white hair bow from her purse. She tied her long, wavy blonde hair into a high ponytail and clipped the bow on the hair tie. Cassidy grabbed her makeup bag out of her purse and put on mascara and a fresh coat of red lip gloss.

"Okay, now I'm ready," she said, shoving her stuff into her purse.

We walked to the elevator then to Harry's room.

"I can't believe I'm going to see THE Harry Styles," Cassidy said.

"He's unconcious," I reminded her.

"STILL!" She said. She took a deep breath in and breathed out.

I opened the door, and we walked in. Cassidy walked towards the bed.

"He's more perfect in person," She whispered.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're being really creepy," I said.

Cassidy reached out and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.

Cassidy's POV

As I tucked his hair behind his ear, his eybrows knit together. A few seconds later, Harry's eyes fluttered opened and his green eyes were staring into my blue ones with confusion.

My breath caught in my throat and everything started to go black....

Lucy's POV

Cassidy passed out and fell down with a thud.

Harry woke up!

I ran and grabbed some more nurses. Some to help Cass, a couple to help Harry.

Minhyuk's POV

 We arrived at the venue even though we were 45 minutes late. It was really awkward in the van since our manager was really quiet, but we could see the steam coming out from his ears. It was worth it though. Saving lives with cute girls is just a little better than being late to a venue. We already knew what to do since we had practiced back in Korea. All we had to was check the sound system and make sure everything was working, and we would only have a later dinner. We apologized to the workers over and over again for being late. Everything was fine, thanks to the workers there. We finished at 9:30, and we decided to eat dinner at the Outback. It was really good, but it was pretty much the same with Longhorn's.

Kennedy's POV

After we found out that Harry woke up, the man that we were in charge of finally woke up.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

The man nodded.

We called in the nurses since he woke up. We decided to leave and meet up with the rest of the gang in Cassidy's room.

"How is she?" Nicole asked.

"She's fine. She's probably going to pass out again when the rest of the One Direction members arrive," Lucy sighed.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Lisa and I screamed at the same time.

Lucy shook her head while Nicole face palmed herself.

"They'll be here soon. I just talked with them a few minutes ago," Lucy said nonchalantly.

"Why didn't you let me talk to them?" I asked.

"Or me," Lisa added.

"Gee, it's totally not like you'll be stuttering the whole entire time, or you would totally not start breathing heavily," Nicole said sarcastically.

"Good point," I muttered.

"Wait, we forgot to do something," I said.

"What?" Nicole asked sounding extremely bored. I couldn't really blame for her for sounding so bored. We were at a hospital, and she wasn't a Directioner.

"We have to call the guys because we told them we'd call them when Harry and the other man wake up," I stated while being proud of myself that I actually remembered that.

"Oh yeah. I can call them," Lucy offered.

We nodded in agreement.

Yonghwa's POV

After dinner, we went back to the hotel, but I finally remembered something! I had to wash the shirt that I accidentally spilled coffee on. I smiled at the thought until Jungshin nudged me.

"What are you thinking, hyung?" Jungshin asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Suure," Jonghyun added while holding out the u.

I rolled my eyes.

"What am I going to do with you guys,' I muttered.

When we got to the hotel, I asked one of the female workers to have the shirt dry cleaned and brought back as soon as possible. I laid on my bed, and I soon drifted off to sleep.

Jonghyun's POV

I took a quick shower,and I decided to practice the guitar since I hate going to sleep with wet hair even though I could use a hair dryer. I don't like using hair dryers since I'm really sensitive to heat. It was already 11:30, and we had a concert tomorrow. I was about to turn off the lights, but someone knocked on my door. I opened the door and was surprised to see Jungshin still awake.

"Yah! Why are you still awake? We have a concert tomorrow," I scolded.

"I know. I was just checking up on you," Jungshin said.

"Why do you need to check up on me? I'm older than you; I'm the one who is supposed to be checking up on you," I stated.

"It's just so much happened today, but I guess you're fine,'' Jungshin said with worry in his words.

"Oh. Thanks," I muttered.

Jungshin nodded.

I turned off the lights. When I turned off the lights, my phone rang.

"Who could be calling me at this hour?" I muttered.

"Hello?" I asked sleepily.

"Hi. It's Lucy," the person answered.

"Oh, hi! What's up?" I asked.

"The men at the hospital woke up," she answered.

"That's good! What's the name of the hospital?" I asked.

I got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down the name of the hospital.

"We'll come to the hospital after the concert," I assured her.

"Okay, we'll be there then. Good luck on your concert tomorrow!" she chirped.

"Thanks! Good night!" I said disappointed at the short conversation we had.

"Good night!" she responded.

What'd you think of the new chapter? Please comment, so I can know how to improve!!! Also, I'd like to thank @lukeislife96 for helping me out with this chapter. THANKS!!!!!

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