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Cassidy's POV

We went backstage since the guys gave us backstage passes earlier today. It was pretty hectic, but we eventually found them. 

"Hey! You guys are AMAZING! We are definitely going to join your fan club," I said.

"Oh, thanks! Minhyuk replied. "Did you guys happen to see me twirl my drum stick?"

" was really cool!" I couldn't really see Minhyuk since he was too far in the back.

He looked like he was going to say something else, but his phone rang. When he pulled his phone  out of his pocket, his face turned white, but he quickly covered it with a smile.

"I have to pick this up. Sorry." Minhyuk ran into an isolated room, only revealing his worried expression when he got into the room.

Kennedy's POV

When I found him, I was actually pretty nervous because I thought he was going to be condescending. I was afraid that since he was a world star he would ignore me, but the thought quickly vanished when Yonghwa flashed a smile at me.

"Hey! What'd you think?" he asked with a really bright smile and sweat beads still rolling down his face.

"You guys are great! I really love how you were so energetic for the entire concert. To be honest, I thought I was going to drop from exhaustion, but how can you still be standing?" I asked with admiration.

"Since you're tired, let's sit down and talk." He led me into their dressing room and removed a jacket off the couch and placed it on a chair.

"Ok. I'm going to tell you my secret now. It's top-secret, so you can't tell anyone else."

"Sure," I replied, guessing his secret would probably be like drinking four energy drinks before the concert.

Yonghwa leaned in and whispered in my ear, "My secret to having that much energy is....what shampoo do you use?"


"I'm just kidding. You smell nice though. My secret is my fans."

"Wow. You know how to please your fans. No wonder your fans love you," I said.

"It's a talent," he said grinning from ear to ear.

"Speaking about my fans, if they were in your position right now, what do you think they would do?" he asked with a mischievous smile. He suddenly placed his face in front of my face, while tilting his head to his side and making a puppy face.

"Ugh. You're so sweaty! Move your head!" I exclaimed, trying to sound disgusted even though I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I grabbed a tissue that was on the table next to the couch and started wiping his sweat off. As I was wiping his face, he stared into my eyes intently and placed his hand on my hand and leaned in closer.

"Boo!" He leaned back laughing his head off. "I totally got you!"

I pretended to laugh a few seconds later when I understood what happened. I actually thought he was being serious when he was looking through my eyes. When I was looking his eyes, I thought I saw sincerity...

Lucy's POV

As I watched my friends leave me, I decided to explore. It's not everyday that you are allowed to be backstage. When I had walked a few steps, I heard someone singing. It was pretty distant, but I could feel that person's soul in the song. As I got closer, I recognized whose voice it was. I stood outside the door since I didn't want to interrupt him. When he finished, he turned to the door.

"Hey, Lucy."

"Sorry! Did I disturb you? I really liked the song that you sang!"

"Oh no! You didn't disturb me. I'm used to fans screaming at us during concerts, so that was nothing." He hesitated. "You understood the lyrics of the song?"

"I am Japanese. I know English, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Japanese," I replied.

"Oh wow... The song is called "Blind Love". I wrote the song.

"It's a really nice song!" I was amazed. He could sing, play the guitar, and write songs! "You're a true artist."

"Thanks. Do you play the guitar?" he asked.

"I don't, but I play the flute."

"Do you want me to teach you?" he asked.

"Do you have an interest in the flute?" I asked. I would feel bad if I was just receiving from him, so I decided to try to pay him back.

"I think it would be a nice change. What about you?" he questioned

"Sure!" I tried not to sound too excited. I had always wanted to play the guitar, but I was just always too busy. Also, it was difficult to find the right person to teach me. Jonghyun seemed like the kind that would have lots of patience even if you totally slaughtered a song. There's a reason why I've had at least 8 different piano teachers.

Nicole's POV

Jungshin led us to the dining room.

"Do you guys want anything to eat or something to drink?" he asked.

"I'll have water," I replied.

"Me too," Lisa replied.

"So um.. what'd you guys think of the concert?" Jungshin asked, giving water to the both of us.

"I thought it was great," I answered.

"You guys were really cool. I think you guys are the coolest when you were on stage," Lisa replied.

"Thanks. Who did you guys think was the coolest?" Jungshin pulled his chair closer.

"Hmmm.... that's a pretty easy question. Yonghwa!" I teased.

"Yeah, Yonghwa has such strong vocals. When he screamed, wow..." Lisa concurred.

"Well, Yonghwa only sings that well, because I sing with him," Jungshin pouted.

"Aw. Someone's a little jealous," I said, rubbing it in.

We talked about the songs that they sang for most of the time. It was interesting to learn about a bassist's point of view in the band.  He also told us about the band's past and what they were planning to do.

Jungshin told us what it was like being an indie band in Japan. As he talked about what it was like in Japan when they were an indie band, I realized how hard they worked to be where they are now, but it wasn't just them that went through a lot. Their CEO even sold his car! Also, the whole reason why they were in Japan was because of money problems. As we talked, I felt really proud of them. I had a huge amount of admiration for them

Hey! It's been awhile! I am SO sorry. I've been really busy, but it's summer now so I'll be able to update more often!

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