It's Always Cold

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A Monday morning. Once again I wake up to a cold morning. A dull, cold, mercyless day.

I sat up and swinged my legs to the side of the bed. My bed was pretty big, not the biggest, but it had enough space for all my pillows and blankets. I had a lot of them. They made me feel safe when no one else could. I wasn't lonely. Well sometimes but there is no way I'm ever gonna admit it.

I lived in a cabinet deep in the forest with the closest human being 2 and a half hours away, if I walked. Which I never did. I had no reason to trouble someone who wants peace and alone time.

My brothers had tried getting me a pet but I always refused as taking care of someone was not something I could do right now. The animal would probably die of loneliness in here anyway. Besides there was plenty of wildlife here.

I grunted feeling the ache in my head getting slowly more painful. I got up and put on a light pink, oversized hoodie on. Why I had it? My friend thought I would look cute in it and feel comfortable. She wasn't too far off, even if I would never wear this fluffy pink hoodie in public.

I walked over to the kitchen barely making a noise with my wool socks. They were warm like the hoodie, but I never felt warm. I knew why. Those who know me don't. I haven't told anyone, since they couldn't help me find the 'fire' in my life anyway. I'll find them if there is anyone to be found.

I couldn't remember what I had done last night, but I knew that I got only a few minutes of sleep for sure. I remember drinking, since it was a common activity for me. It wasn't a real problem for I don't drink that much alcohol at once. Well most of the time anyway.

I snapped back to reality where I had just stopped in the middle of my kitchen. I hated it. I wish everyone would just forget me. That way it would be easier to stop fighting these battles everyday.

Nope, not know brain. Not in the morning. I started my coffee machine and went to get my tablet so I could read the news. I wasn't big on being social, but I wasn't an ignorant pig either.

The morning seemed to be just fine. Calm. I thought this could actually be a pretty decent day. Then I heard my phone ring. God I hated it.

I rose from my seat on the kitchen island and almost sneaked in my room. I looked at the screen if it was worth to be answered. I wasn't too surprised when I saw it was Germany. We had started hanging out more lately.

"Hello you have called an asshole, how may I assist you today?" I heard a low and tired  chuckle from my phone.

"Guten morgen Finnland. I was thinking if we could go get some coffee and walk around aimlessly?" I had started to walk back to my coffee mug. Actually the second one.

"Sure got nothing else anyway", I looked at the clock "How about in two hours? Where would we meet?" I sat down and took a sip of my black coffee.

"I was thinking of the park near the woods? And sounds good to me. Meet me at the gate?" he sounded so tired.

"Nah you have to find me", I said carelessly into my phone.

"Really? Fine fine well I guess we can play hide and seek", he laughed a little.

"See you then Germany", we said our byes and I put the phone on the table. I turned my head sideways to look out of the window. I knew I had to start getting ready if I wanted to be there before Germany.

I went to my room after cleaning the kitchen. I didn't bother putting anything fancy on, so a pear of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue hoodie will do. The hoodie wasn't like the pink one. It wasn't fluffy or oversized as much.

I took my phone, earphones and key's. I putted my heavy winter jacket on. It was white with black fur on the hood. My boots were just black like my gloves.

I took my snowmobile because it had rained snow and it was a lot faster way to get there. As I started putting my helmet on I got this weird feeling like something was going to happen. I looked around me, slightly worried. I always trusted my guts. Always.

After I had gotten out of my yard the feeling stayed. I kept my eyes and ears open so I could tell if something would be dangerous. Nothing.

~time skip~

When I got to the park I parked my snowmobile, letting Germany know I had arrived. I walked around the park until I found a tree I could climb and hide in the branches. It wasn't too difficult for I had climbed a lot of trees.

I just waited for Germany to find me. While waiting, I listened to some music. I was surprised when I got a message. The surprise in getting a text? It was from unknown number.

((hello if you read this, thank you))

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