~Bonus Chap~ Ame

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So I decided to write a shitty bonus chapter. I'll write these if I have time or ideas. So uh, have fun?

×Americans pov×

I rubbed my tired eyes as I looked around myself. I was in my room, laying on the bed, on top of my covers still full clothed. Through the shades on mu window some sunlight flooded my room. I never minded sleeping with some light on. I actually hated sleeping alone in the dark. If I was next to someone it was fine, but alone? Yeah good luck monsters, you ain't gonna get me!

My head suddenly felt like I had smashed it with a brick the whole night. I grabbed my head and rolled around in my bed. I whined as the pain was killing me. I noticed a glass of water on my nigh stand. I got up on my elbows. There was also two pills.

"Thanks bro", I murmured under my breath. As I took the glass after throwing the pills in my mouth, I noticed a note. I gulped down the water and took the note.

Hey 'Merica!
I left some painkillers and a glass of water for you. There are some more on the kitchen counter for later. I left the house to go shopping, but don't expect me home soon as I am going to be meeting a friend of mine.

                     ~Your brother, Canada
Ps. Can you look after Aussi? He tried
                 to set Russia's house on fire...

Well 'Nada I noticed the paink- HE WHAT. I burst out in laughter and hold my sides as the laughing hurt my head even more. "Ow haha Auch", I couldn't stop laughing at the image of Aussi settings his house on fire. Wait.

I shouldn't laugh about Aussi burning anyone's house down, much less if he tried to burn Russia's house down. But I couldn't help it. A drunk Aussi, burning someone's house down?

After some time I was able to stop laughing and took my laptop from the floor. Well, it wasn't there so I guess maple picked it up. I scanned my room. I didn't see it. Weird. I opened one of the drawers on my night stand. Not here. I opened another one.

"Bingo!" I said smiling widely at the sight of my computer. I took it on my lap, opening it. What should I do for the morning. I also had found my gaming headset so it was great. I could play some games! But maybe I should check my social media first.

"Naaah", I looked through all the games I had. "Maybe this one...."

*time skippero bought by America's hangover ass*

"FUCKING ASS", I shouted as I lost, yet another game. I had been playing for three hours straight. I got enough and stood up. Maybe I should eat something. Yeah maple always says you feel better when you're tummy is full.

I was leaning on the railings of the stairs because it felt like I could fall down any moment now. After I had safely got down I was feeling confident and went to the kitchen. Well sorta.

I walked into a wall. "God damn you!" I screamed at the wall, pointing at it like it had just punched me. Well it kinda did just punch me! I glared at it with disgust for a while before going in the kitchen.

"What to have?" I stood in the middle of the large kitchen looking around. Cereal? Nah, too ordinary. Bread? No, I didn't feel like doing a sandwich. Yougurt? I don't think we have any, do we? I walked over to the fridge looking around it.

"Cereal it is", I blantly stated. I took the milk, a little bit disappointed that there wasn't any yougurt in there. I looked for my favourite bowl and an ordinary spoon.

After I was done with making my breakfast I plopped myself on the couch, opening the television. I tried finding something interesting to watch. Pointless.

"Why does the telly never have anything good on?" I whined. I had almost completed my cereal and hadn't found anything good to watch. "Can this day get any more boring?" I got up, turning the television off. I was finished with my cereal.

After I got them in the dishwasher I walked back up my room. Wasn't I supposed to do something else too? I stopped on the top of the stairs.

"What was it?" I murmured quietly to myself. Oh yeah! I had to check on Aussi. I walked over to his door. "Hey you uo yet?" I opened the door to his room, peeking in. I had a bad habit of barging in without knocking first, or at least that's what I've been told. I don't see the problem though, who wouldn't want me to just plop out of nowhere?

I didn't see him in his room but I heard the shower running in his bathroom. The door was open, a little bit at least.

"Aussi?" I asked louder. Maybe he didn't hear me the first time. I think I heard a weak 'yeah' coming from the bathroom. I walked over to the door, peeking in. "You alive?" I looked at my brother who was in his swimming trunks, sitting under the shower. He looked miserable.

"Gee what happened to you?" I walked over to him, kneeling next to his eye level. "Hot....." was all that I got out of him. "Well turn the water colder. I tested the water. It was cold." Colder?", I turned the tap so it would be colder.

I examined my sick looking brother." What happened?" I was concerned, Aussi was used to hot weather, so why did he complain now?" Forest.......... Burn......... Animals...", every time he said a word he had to take sometime to steady his breath. I patted my brothers head, feeling bad for him.

" I know! "I jumped up exited. I runned down the stairs, the hangover fading away. I opened the freezer looking around it before finding what I had come for. I took them and hurried back to Aussi." Here! "I shoved a ice-cream and some ice cubes to him. He smiled weakly, taking them.

" Thanks 'Murica"

Ah, and I thought these would be short. Welllllll...... I got carried away

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