Where Are You

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We all had gone to sleep. Well I wasn't asleep but others were. Probably. I was still thinking about what Germany had said to me earlier on the phone.

I was worried for Finland. I didn't know what had happened but apparently he had gone somewhere and Germany was desperate enough to think he would be with me. How bad could the situation be?

Well it could mean he just went for a length walk or -I don't like this option- in danger somewhere with no help available. Or worse. But I didn't want to think of the worst. Finland is strong. He should be fine. I hope so.

I was starting to feel more and more restless as time passed by. I looked at the clock just to see that only few minutes had passed. I tried rolling around, but nothing came out of it. I got sick of it and sat up, reaching for my phone.

I hissed as the light hit my face, blinding me for a brief second. I looked through my contacts searching for German's. It wasn't that hard to find. As I pressed the call button I wonder what I would say to him. Too late now.

"Russland? What are you doing up at this hour?" I wasn't tired at all, wich was surprising as I had been outside the whole day.

"I just wonder what you meant earlier? Where is Финляндия?" there was a silence from the German. I waited flr him to continue.

"............ Ich weiß nicht", His voice was shaking badly, and cracking. Was he crying? No. At least not yet.

"Ich weiß nicht Russland! Ich weiß nicht", now His voice was louder and he was clearly crying. Sadly I can't understand German so I had no idea what he was saying.

"Germany I can't underst-" I started but got interfered. "I DON'T KNOW", he sobbed loudly to the phone, stressed. Afraid.

So was I.

I froze for a second. "..... Что?" I asked in return. I could not believe it. Finland was actually missing.

"I- I don't, I don't know", he cried and I sat there, not knowing what to do or say.

I quickly rose on my feet, feeling my anxiety rising. "How long?" I tried to stay calm, but failed miserably. I was so worried and the coldness inside me just felt stronger now.

"The whole day", he was exhausted, but my adrenaline was pumping strong. I was dammed If Finland was dead.

"And no luck finding him?"

"Russia I wouldn't be awake if he was be here!", I walked over to my closet and took some warm clothes for me.

"You need help find him?" I was already pulling on my pants.

"I don't really have the energy right now to go outside. I have been searching for him the whole day", I put my phone on the microphone and pulled on my shirt.

"I go", I shuffled for a while looking for my hoodie.

"Russland I appreciate your help, but it's freezing outside and it's dark", I eventually found a warm hoodie pulling it on.

"I grow up with it", I put the microphone setting off, lifting the phone on my ear.

"Thank you Russland", he sighed heavily. "Please tell me if you find anything", I nodded, saying farewell to him before sneaking out of my room downstairs. I made sure to be as quiet as possible as I pulled my winter coat, scarf and ushanka on. Taking the keys I was off to search my Soulmate.

It hadn't rained snow yet, so I could probably follow his foot steps. But then again, it had been a day so someone could have walked over them and mess them up. I hope not. Otherwise I don't know what to do. I don't know him, I don't know where he would be.

What would happen if I didn't find him? What if I would never find him? That meant death for me, a slow one. And I didn't want that. I don't want to die after finding out who I was meant to be with.

I looked around everywhere while walking to the park, but no one was out at this hour. All the lights were shut off from the houses along the road to the park. The only light were the yellowish street lights. The cold was nipping at my nose, but I didn't care, I was more concerned about the coldness inside me.

I just wanted to hold Finland close to me and feel that warmth again. It had felt so wonderful being close to him. I wonder, what would it be like to feel like that for the rest of our lives? Warmth instead of the bitter coldness that was freezing us both.

That would be nice, but to have that, we both have to say alive. And I -hopefully- will find Finland. I had to. I don't know what to do if he just disappears.

Look at how good I am at uploading this story. Yey finally I got my lazy ass to get this over with. Sorry for so crappy chapter but I just don't feel like going over this again and making it better so yeh, deal with it

Translation :

Russland = Russia

Финляндия = Finland

Ich weiß nicht = I don't know

Что = What?

Good night

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