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~Time skippero to the earlier day when Rus and his siblings were camping. Also they will speak in Russian~

"IS EVERYBODY READY?" Belarus shouted.

"Yeah yeah no need to shout", I grunted as I covered my ears, not wanting to lose my hearing just yet. "Oops, sorry Russia", she giggeld sweetly. I was waiting near the door with Belarus as Kaz and Uke were upstairs doing the necessary before leaving. Like packing because they didn't pack sooner. Such idiots.

Like a magic trick they both came downstairs and stood before us. "Yep", Kaz happily notified us. Belarus and Kaz were smiling like crazy. Me and Uke weren't as interested. "Let's get going then", Belarus opened the front door, running near the forest before turning around to look if we followed.

Kaz ran next to her and then they  started walking into the woods. "What do you say? Is this going to be a fiasco or a success?" Uke asked as we followed them into the forest. I shrugged. "I can't read the future", he huffed at me, playfully punching my arm with his elbow. I shoved his arm away, a little too forcefully than what I meant and he almost fell.

"Jeez, I didn't know you were that easy to push over", I chuckled as he gave me the death glare. 'I better run.'
And with that I picked up my pace. Hearing his silent steps coming closer. Then he started running. 'Fuuuck' I started to run too, not wanting to get killed. It was difficult in the snow, but not impossible. Kaz and Belarus saw us running and probably thought we were playing tag. So we all ran, with Kaz and Belarus thinking we were playing and having fun. I, on the other hand, was running for my dear life.

~time skippero~

I was leaning on my legs to catch my breath. I was well covered with snow. So were my siblings. The 'tag' had changed to snow fight pretty soon. But at least we all were having fun. We all were laughing light heartedly.

I liked this.

I missed this.

I miss him.

I looked up at my siblings. They were all smiling, they were all covered in this cold powder that we were so familiar with. I straightened myself looking around us, trying to figure out where we were. We had explored this forest when we were young. Dad didn't mind it as long as we would stay close enough to him.

I clutched the straps of my backpack. "Where to now?" I asked as lightly as possible, trying to push away the sadness eating me inside. I didn't understand why it stayed. It did nothing but hurt me more. I hated it. I hated feeling so helpless.

"Well I packed some food with us, so let's go find a nice place to eat it?" Belarus answered and walked pass me. "I support that idea", Ukraine said. "We've been walking for some time already and I really just want to enjoy the view right now", Ukraine left to walk next to Belarus. I turned to follow them, making sure that Kazakhstan was following too.

"So, how did everyone sleep?" Kazakhstan suddenly spoke up. "Meh", Ukraine shrugged. "Nicely", Belarus answered, already jumping to the next topic. "You?" Kaz asked turning his head to look at me. I thought for a moment. "Well.... I think I dreamed something but it escaped me as soon as I woke up", I shrugged my shoulders dismissively.

"You can't remember it at all?" Kaz sounded slightly saddened by this. I shook my head. "No, all I remember is the smell of hot chocolate and a fire place..... I think someone was holding me?" I looked up on the sky, furrowing my eyebrows. "There was also knocking....", I said hardly hearing my own voice.

It went quiet between us. Ukraine', and Belarus' voices clear, and snow crunching beneath our feet. ".... What kind of feeling did you wake up with?", I turned to look at Kaz. Why was he so curious about my dream all of a sudden? Or did he really have nothing else to talk about. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking straight ahead. I turned to face my siblings backs.

" It was a nightmare. I woke up with cold sweat", I stated bluntly. "It was familiar.", I had nothing else to tell him, I simply couldn't remember anything else. "I fell asleep almost immediately after waking up tho", Kaz nodded his head. That was the end of our conversation. "You?" I asked him. "Fine I guess", I got nothing else out of him. He was clearly in his own thoughts. Trying to have a conversation with him right now would be impossible.

But that didn't bother me. I liked listening. I liked sitting in comftarble silence, unfortunately not a lot of people liked that. And almost always it felt awkward. But right now? It was comfortable. Well it wasn't really silent, the conversation Belarus and Ukraine were having, the snow crunching under our weight, and the birds singing. I liked this. It was so peaceful.

~time skippero to evening when they get back inside :p~


e were sitting in the living room. We were chit-chating over some snacks and an unimportant TV-show. I was relaxing in the big arm chair, occasionally looking at my phone. All of us were tired from being outside almost the whole day, but none of us wanted to go to sleep just yet.

"Rus put your phone away, seriously. We're having a conversation", Belarus pouted at me like an disappointed mother. I looked at her, emotionless, before smirking at her.

"No", I said nothing more nothing less. She huffed at me. She got up from her seat walking over to me, her hands on her hips. "Rus", she said more demanding this time. "You can't make me", I answered like a little kid. "OH yes I can", she grabbed my phone and tried to get it away from me. At that moment Germany called me. I yanked my phone back to me and answered his call.

They'll be talking in English now

"Germany?" I asked shooing my sister away. Wich, she did, resentfully but still went to her seat.

"Have you seen Finnland?" his voice was distressed. I furrowed my browns.

"Нет, I last see him after the party. He had forgotten his phone so I give it back him", my siblings looked at me, clearly interested in what conversation I was having.

"Oh....", his voice sounded disappointed. "I'm sorry I bothered you Rusland (I think. I didn't translate this I think I heard it somewhere?)"

"No no, it's fine. Why you ask?" I was curious now. What had happened?

"...... Nothing bye", and with that he ended out call. I stared at it with a puzzled face.

Back to Russian

"So?" Kaz looked at me with big eyes.
"He asked if I had seen Finland anywhere", I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hmm... I wonder what happened", Ukraine said, probably more to himself than us. "Maybe he went missing?" Kaz suggested. Belarus gently punched his side with her elbow. "I doubt", she declared. I lowered my phone on the coffee table.

"Yeah", I answered, leaning back on my arm chair. "I wonder."

God I'm sorry this took so long to make. Translate : неt = no (everyone probably know this :|

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