But How?

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I stared at Germany's teary face confused as fuck.

"Excuse me, I was gone for how long?" there was no way I slept a whole day.

1. No, I normally sleep around few hours if I was lucky. And maybe once a week or something.

2. With the clothing I had on, I would have frozen to death hours ago! It was freezing outside.

I looked down to my fingers. Oddly enough, there were no signs of frost bites. I pressed them up against my lips. They didn't feel like burning, like they should.

"No, I can't have been out that long", I mumbled my voice showing clearly how confused I was.

"Yes you were!" Germany almost shouted at me. His voice was cracking. I tried to think of a reason for what could have happened. Maybe someone came to get me inside for a while? But why would they get me inside, just to throw me back outside? And there weren't any foot steps around me, well apart from mine but still. No one could have come near me. I was a very light sleeper.

Germany hugged me again, clutching my hoodie. I wrapped my arms around him, doing my best to calm him down. What the hell happened?

"Did you tell my brothers?" if he did, oh boy I was going to have fun. But he shook his head. "I trusted that you would come back", his voice was more collected than before. So to add to my earlier thinking session, I had also disappeared for a whole day, and Germany waited for me.

"Thanks Germany", I murmured quietly.

~time skippero~

We stayed like that for a while, me sitting on a chair and Germany on my lap, hugging each other tightly. He had stopped crying hardly minutes ago, but he was still sniffling. I had tried to reason with my mind. No one could have come near me while I was asleep, but I didn't really believe that a ghost could have kept me warm. And besides, all of the dead hate me and would probably, when given the chance, kill me.

I wasn't sure what to say. Sure I was fine now, but Germany had still worried about me for a whole day. I had nothing to say. I had no excuses for my disappearance. I didn't even know myself what had happened. I was confused and slightly scared. But I didn't show my fear, that would just make Germany panic.

"Well I don't know about you, but I really need a cup of coffee", I tilted my head back, looking around my kitchen I knew so well. He chuckled lightly, pulling away and rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah me too", his voice was husky. "Sorry", he mumbled as he got off of me. After he was standing on his legs, I went to brew (?) some coffee.

"Can..... Can we just...Just forget This?" I stuttered. I didn't have any logical explanation for it. And I probably never would, so it should be better if we just forget it.

"Forget it?" Germany's voice was stern, with no hints of crying anymore. I turned around to find him leaning on the table, looking out the window at the snowy view. His fists were clenched but I couldn't see his face.

"Forget it, you say?" he didn't move at all, but his knuckles were turning whiter. "Finnland you were gone for a whole. Day. Don't even think about 'just forgetting it", he kept his voice collected, but it was clear how furious he was.

"I know....", I wasn't happy at his answer, but I had expected it. "Yeah, I know, I know", I lowered my head, turning it away from him. I hardly bit my lip, but it was still painful. I didn't acknowledge it though. I never really acknowledged pain, why would I?

We were standing in the silence for quite a while. I listened to the coffee machine, waiting for it to be ready. I walked over to the table, picking up the cup that Germany had drank from, and took a new mug for him, and for me.

I knew how he wanted his coffee, and he knew how I liked mine. As I was filling the cups, Germany sat down on the table. I gave Germany his own coffee and leaned on the kitchen counter, drinking from mine. He didn't touch his.

"Finnland?" he asked quietly.

"If you're going to ask me why I was gone for so long, I..... Don't have answer", I said in a hushed tone. I looked up at Germany. "I....", I looked down. What can I say to make it all better?

"How are you?" Germany questioned. His voice was gentle and light, like nothing bad had ever happened. He lifted his coffee cup now, drinking it. I just stared at him, stunned. I had not excepted him to ask me that.

"Fine. Good. I'm...... I'm doing well", I let a gentle smile play on my lips. He nodded, turning his attention back to the forest. I eyed him for a while longer, before looking out. The sun was coming up.

"Let's talk about it later", he offered. I nodded and we fell to silence once more. No words were needed. We liked it like this.

Quiet mornings with coffee. No distractions. No talking. No people. Just us and a cup of coffee.

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