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I had been walking around the woods for the whole night, not even trying to sleep, feeling the anxiety for the party building up in me. I had texted with Russia and we were going to go to a bar, to get wasted of course. Russia said he doesn't want to get too wasted, but I guess we'll see about that.

I myself was going to go there a little early so I could get a little wasted before he would join me. What can I say, alcohol helps me to get social. Or at least a little nicer, if nothing else.

I pushed the bar door open, letting my eyes absorve my surroundings quickly. It turned out to be a night club. Greeeat.

I sat in a corner table, looking at this place where I would probably spend the next four hours. It was a very typical night club, nothing too fancy, but I wouldn't say trashy either. There were a few groups around, but it wasn't crowded.

A waiter looked at my direction saying something to her friend apparently. They giggeld a little walking over to me. I felt slightly uncomfortable, seeing as they wore quite revealing clothing.

"And what does the sir want?" asked the first woman while the other sat close to me. I bit my bottom lip, but not noticeable. "Something strong", I said, doing my best not to show my uncomfort. "Золотой мальчик хочет сильного? Возможно я буду", they giggeld like crazy as the seated one tried to get closer, probably to get on my lap. "Просто выпей, пожалуйста", they seemed really surprised by my Russian. "Извините, мой русский ржавый?", the one who was trying to get on my lap purred out to my answer. "Не совсем симпатичный мальчик~", I was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

Gladly the other went to get my drink after telling the other one to respect my opinions. She looked at me with this weird look before sticking her tongue out, not in a childish way, in a suggestive way. I cursed under my breath, in Finnish knowing she wouldn't understand me. After the other one had brought my drink they both left me alone, hopefully for the whole night.

Ten minutes pass by as I look around and familiarise myself with the club. I had drunk a few bottles so that I would appear somewhat friendly. I had taken my winter jacket off, leaving me in everything else I had putted on that morning, no wait, last morning. I didn't bother taking my hat off, or my fingerless gloves for that matter.

Soon I saw someone walking towards me, they were quite tall, might be taller than me. The lights made it harder to see their face becouse their ushanka was creating a shadow on their face. The ushanka was dark grey with a bright red star on the fur. I remember Soviet having the same star, or they seemed like the same one. They seemed to have short white hair. They were wearing black jeans with winter boots, they weren't as long as mine though. They wore a gray jacket that had fur on it, it was open, revealing their white and blue striped shirt.

I took another sip from the alcohol on my hand. I heard the other guy who was walking, stopping right in front of the table that I was seated. "Финляндия?" I almost choke on the alcohol quickly putting it down on the table, coughing and hitting my chest, trying not have a panic attack. I had seen by a quick peek that they were not Soviet, but still, that strong Russian accent still sent all my alarms off." Yeah yeah. I am", I coughed knowing it sounded absolutely stupid.

I heard low chuckles from the other male, apparently, as they sat down next to me. "Aww you having fun without me?" I shook my head after being able to breathe again. "Nah, I don't get drunk easily", assuring him as I noticed that the two girls from earlier were coming to our table.

They greeted Russia and me, well kind of. The other one called me a pretty boy again as Russia looked at me, grinning. After Rus and I ordered more alcohol he turned to face me. "Pretty boy?" he asked teasingly as I felt my face heat up. "They simply took my order, nothing else", I told him while taking another sip, well I think I gulped one third of the bottle down. I would have to slow down my drinking if I wanted to walk back home.

After a lot of alcohol being consumed and us both starting to be tipsy I thought it would be better to start heading home. "Well I had fun but *hic*I think we both should go home now*hic", I lazly lifted my jacket on my shoulders, not even bothered to put it on properly. "Неет can you at least *hic* show me that wonder*hic*full night hiking?" he whined. I stumbled a little, nodding my head and signaling him to follow me.

~time skip~

We were walking in the woods near Russias home, rarely chatting. We were both enjoying the clean and calm air running around between the trees and bushes. I looked at him, seeing him having trouble staying up, sometimes putting his arm on my shoulder to balance himself again.

After we had walked fifteen minutes he tripped on something, bringing us both down on the soft snow. His arm was around my shoulders stopping me from getting back on my feet. I heard him grunting a little before picking himself up. He stumbled a little, but ended up being on top of me. "сожалею", he mumbled close to my ear. I felt his warm breath tickling my neck, making me tense.

He sat up, but unfortunately he was now sitting on my legs, which was not helpful in any way. I couldn't get up, but I could lift my upper body, so I did that. I felt his hands lightly on my back, he then realised how inconvenient our position was and rose to his knees, allowing me to slip from under him. "Kiitti", I yawned looking at his confused face. "It means 'thanks'", I said, a little annoyed by the fact that he had sat on me.

After that we parted our ways, going home. I felt the chilly air conquering my lungs, feeling like every part of me was frozen. I stopped on my tracks, thinking why the hell did I take notice of my frozen body. I was so used to it that I had never really cared for it. Maybe the alcohol did it? Who knows, the alcohol might have been something I had never drank before.

I kept walking home, knowing that Norway might say something about me just disappearing. And the about my drinking when he would realise that I was drunk.

Uuh well this one is quite long. But I was planning on doing even longer, but decided not to.
Translation :

"Золотой мальчик хочет сильного? Возможно я буду =
The golden boy wants the strong? Maybe I will" (straight translate here's what I was aiming for = The golden boy wants strong? Mayby I will do)

"Просто выпей, пожалуйста = just have a drink = just the drink

Извините, мой русский ржавый? = Excuse me, my Russian rusty? = Excuse me, is my Russian rusty?

"Не совсем симпатичный мальчик = not a pretty boy = not at all, pretty boy

сожалею = sorry

I used a translater

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