Tell Me

375 14 2

I listen as my phone rang, waiting for him to pick it up. I looked at my father's diary. Why didn't he tell me?

"Hei..?" his unsure voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"Привет Финляндия. I would like meet you in Park. Now", I was already standing near the front door. Pulling my jacket on.

"Now? Russia-"

"Now Финляндия", I commanded the other male. He went silent and probably put his phone down. After a while he answered.

"Alright Russ I'll come. But it will take sometime", I scoffed at him.

"Ten minutes", I closed my phone breathing the cold winter air. It was quiet. I didn't see anyone else than myself and my shadow. Perfect.

~time skippero to the park~

I had slipped a lot while walking in here, but hadn't fallen. It was very annoying. As I was looking around the park to see where he could be I started to think what I was going to say to him. I still had my father's diary with me. I was holding it tightly.

I saw him hurriedly walking towards me. He had his white winter coat and normal clothing. But as he got closer I realised he wasn't wearing jeans, but leggings. And something pink could be seen near his neck.

We were standing only a metre away from each other. I took a small step closer, but he did the same, backing away from me. "Stop", I demanded in a low tone. He stopped immediately.

I was now only a half meter away. I looked at him more precisely. The pink thing was some sort of hoodie. I could also see some bandages on his shoulder where I had bit him. "Do you feel warm?" I questioned him. He seemed supraised. He nodded.

"Did you feel warm walking?"  he didn't answer, just looked at me. Annoyed.

"If you want to now if I'm warm or cold you can text me", he huffed, turning around to leave. I grabbed his shoulder, the exact one I bit. He snapped his head, looking back at me.

"What the fuck Russ", he angrily half shouted. I tightened my grip. He winced. "Answer me", I looked at him dead in the eye. I could swear I saw a small hint of fear in his gaze. He looked down, letting his head hang slightly. He shook his head, I think. I clicked my tongue, looking down on the smaller country.

I pulled my father's diary out of my pocket, opening the page he had written on about this 'Soulmate' thing.
"And you know about this?" he looked at the paper. He didn't say anything, just looked at it. "Answer me" "Ye- yes", he whispered looking away from me. I put the diary away, cupping his face, forcing him to look at me. He still refused to look at me.

"Финляндия look me", he grabbed my wrist trying to get out of my grasp. I held on. After a while he calmed down. "Let go of me Russia", he pleaded as his grasp on my wrist softened. I shook my head looking at the struggling country.

"You plan on telling me?" I asked more gently than before. I rubbed his cheeks with my thumb. He seemed to calm down by that action and hummed quietly. It sounded negative. I sighed. "Why?" he closed his eyes.

"I.... I don't want to talk about it", he mumbled burying his face into my hands, holding my wrists gently. I looked at the exhausted country. Soulmate huh? I never really thought about Soulmates. I didn't think they existed. Or what I would do if I met them. Apparently getting drunk with them was the way to go.

I smiled faintly at him. He was probably going to fall asleep soon. "Maybe you should go home. Get sleep", I murmured at the sleepy Finn. He shook his head. "I won't sleep anyway", I chuckled at his answer. "Suure You won't", I jokingly answered. He let go of my hands, pushing me away.

"Goodbye Russ", he sadly stated walking away. I looked at him. That was a quick change of mind. Each step he took farter away from me stroke fear in me. Why? I started to feel colder and colder. "WAIT", I shouted after I had enough of this fear that had started to eat me inside. He turned around confused. I ran towards him, but of course right now I had to slip. Straight on my face. It. Hurt. So. God. Damn. Much.

My head was ringing and I felt like passing out. I faintly heard footsteps coming closer, probably running, but they sounded like echoes. I tried to get on my feet, but my arms gave up. I grunted at the immense pain on my face and arms. And well all over myself. I think someone called out to me, but I wasn't sure. It sounded weird and distant.

"РОССИЯ", that, I heard clearly. It wasn't loud but I could tell that they were shouting at me. I tried to get on my knees. I saw something red. No, not my hands, my hands don't look like that. Something else.....


Привет Финляндия = Hello Finland
Финляндия = Finland
РОССИЯ = Russia

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