chapter four

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chapter four 


Clarabelle's pov

No matter how hard I try, I just can't fall asleep. Everytime I close my eyes, the image of Luke's face being so close to mine and the feeling of his warmth breath hitting my cheeks comes rushing back. Honestly, I don't know what his problem is. Was he jealous of the fact that I was on a date with Ashton? or am I doing something wrong? 

I don't know. 

I checked my phone and saw that it's 2:37 AM. With a sigh, I lay back in bed and closed my eyes. Once again, I dream of the same boy with the same blue eyes.


I didn't get out of bed untill 11:50 am due to the fact that I have no plans at all today. I texted Ashton to see if he wanted to hang out but he said that he had to stay home with his mum today. I get out of bed and took a quick shower and threw on random clothes that probably doesn't match and make my way downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen I almost shit myself at the scene in front of me. Sitting and talking at the kitchen table was my mom and Luke. They seem to be in deep conversation, totally ignoring me walking pass them. 

"Goodmorning, honey!" my mom shouts and I look back and gave her a smile, quickly glancing at Luke who's already starring me down. Jesus is my outfit really that bad? I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit myself down next to my mom.

"Hi, Luke. I didn't know you were coming over today." I say, fake smiling as I lightly kick his leg under the table. 

"We're going to hang out today, remember?" He say sweetly, kicking me back. I chuckled at the fact that somehow Luke has a way of coming inside my house and scaring the living hell out of me. 

"I don't recall of us hanging out today. Maybe you've made plans with another Clarabelle?" I joked and he laughed. My mom stared at us in confusing and got up and left. I stopped smiling and punched his arm really hard. 

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?" Luke say, rubbing his arm.

"First off, stop randomly coming over to my house without telling me. Last time I checked this is my house." I declare as I punch him again in the arm. 

"Second, last night you seemed pretty mad at me for God knows what and now you want to hang out? Make up your damn mind, Lucifer." I say, about the punch him in the arm again and but grabbed my wrist and I quickly pull away.

"Don't call me Lucifer, please and thank you. Look, I'm sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking straight. Technically, I might as well live here. Your family seems to love me, especially your mom." He says proudly. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Please hang out with me today. Pleaseee" Luke begged, pouting his lips. 

"No. Go home, lost puppy." I say as I get up and starts to walk away. Luke quickly ran to me and drappes himself onto my leg. 

"What the hell, Lucifer. Get off you're not a koala" I say, shaking my leg trying to get rid of his hold. 

"I'M NOT LETTING GO UNTIL YOU SAY YOU'LL HANG OUT WITH ME" He demand and hangs on to my leg tighter. 

"Fine, I'll hang out with you lucifer" I say with a sigh. What is wrong with this boy. He looks up at me with his piercing blue eyes and smiled. He got up and attempt to dance.

"What are we gonna even do together?" I asked him. 

"I was just thinking that we could drive around town and go eat lunch then we can drive home and we can go to your bedroom and just talk, you know? about anything. I just want to get to know you. Be your friend or whatever." He say, nervousing playing with his fingers. 

"That sounds great, Luke" I say, trying to calm him down. Why is he getting so nervous? 

"Really?" He smiles. I nodded and gave him a smile back.

"But first please let me go change. I refuse to leave my house looking like a homeless person" I say, making my way upstairs. I hear his laugh as I close the door. I too, am nervous but I just can't seems to understand why.


dsfdfsjkdfha date or not idk but do u ship them bc i myself don't even know anyway sorry about the short chapter but i'll prob update tomorrow so hit the chill

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