chapter six

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chapter six 

clarabelle's pov

I woke up crying realizing that today is monday and like every other teenagers, I have to drag my lazy ass to school. Like always, I didn't take more than 15 minutes to get ready because I throw on whatever I can grab out of the closet and put it on. 


to: beautiful 

do you want me to take you to school today? i can also pick you up after school too 



to: irwin

that'd be great!!


"How do you manage to always look so beautiful whenever I see you?" Ashton say while embracing me with a tight hug. 

"Same goes to you, curly" I teased, causing him to blush. He jokingly put his hand over his heart.

"You think I'm beautiful?" He asked and I giggled. 

"Do you know what I should do?" He asked.

"Get a haircut?" I joked, earning a chuckle and a serious face from him. He led me into the kitchen and sat me down. 

"I'm going to make my girl some mean ass breakfast." He say as he look inside my fridge. He grabbed some eggs, toast, and other stuff I didn't know I had inside my fridge. He spent about 20 minutes cooking, burning some toast along the way. He finally was done and we sat down eatting his 'mean ass breakfast' which I won't lie, was one of the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me. 

"You got any plans today?" He asked while we were cleaning the dishes. 

"Other than school, I don't think so." I shook my head. After school I usually don't even try with my homework so I just go out instead. 

"I guess this calls for another date night with me. Movies, dinner, then cuddle?" He asked and I blushed. I love how he always has ideas of what we can do together. Hanging out with Ashton is really fun, we both have lots of things in common and he was weird and so was I. 

I did the unexpected and went on my tip-toe to kiss his cheek. 

"I guess that's a yes?" He giggled.


I prayed to god and thank him that I made it through another day of school without trying to drown myself inside the girl's toilet. I was happy and excited that I have a date with Ashton tonight. As I was doing my make up, I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my phone and see that it's barely 6 PM and Ashton was suppose to be here around 7:20. I heard the doorbell ring again. I ran downstairs and open the door. It was Luke. 

"Hey Clar- wow jesus you look amazing." Luke says while looking at me up and down while biting his lip ring. I laughed and felt cheeks redden. 

"Thanks Lucifer. What are you doing here?" I asked, still confused on why he decided to came over without texting me before but then again, Luke found a way to break inside my house while I'm not home. 

"We were going to hang out tonight remember?" He says with a huge smile on his face. 

shit shit shit shit shit

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Luke. I totally forgot." I say while hitting myself several times in the head. 

"Oh. Are you going to be busy doing homework? I can help you finish them if you want." He asked. 

"No, I uh. I actually have a date with Ashton tonight. He's picking me up in about an hour." I say. The way his eyes seems to get darker and his smile faded into a frown made me feel like a total idiot for forgetting about our plans today. 

"I'm sorry, Luke. I'm not busy tomorrow. Can we hang then?" I asked while searching for a slight hapiness in his face.

"It's okay. I think I'm busy tomorrow. Have fun tonight, Clare." He says, walking away leaving before I got the chance to say something back.


well clarabelle's a stupid bitch.

this was kind of a filter chapter but once again lukey is sad and it's almost making me feel sad so goodbye loves 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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