Chapter IV

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Finn threw back his head laughing as Poe's face scrunched up after an accidental taste of paint.

"How did you not realize?" Finn chortled as he grabbed his stomach that was aching from laughter.

Poe scowled and wiped his mouth, "I'm sorry, if it wasn't so hot in here I wouldn't have had to wipe my sweaty face and get a terrible taste of paint on my lips."

Finn grinned and threw a shrug. "Guess I'm just used to the heat, Georgia boy."

Poe shook his head trying to hide his cheeks that blushed at the nickname-even though it wasn't something to blush at- but he let a smile through.  "It's hot there too buddy."

They both turned and maintained eye contact as long as they could without it being excessive before turning away and continuing to paint the spot they'd absentmindedly kept painting over for five minutes.

Taking a step back and clasping his hands together, Finn grinned at the finished product of the yellow accent wall that gave his flat a more welcoming feel.

"Do you want me to help you with the furniture?" Poe asked eyeing the few objects that didn't really require a two man job.

"Sure," Finn said with a smile. He figured living alone without knowing anyone near here might get lonely eventually so taking up the offer didn't seem too bad until he witnessed Poe's arms flexing as he picked up a small dresser and asked where it should be moved.

"That, uh, is going to go next to my bed in the corner but first my bed needs to be there," he said with a small laugh at the end.

Poe put down the dresser awkwardly. He probably should've asked what needed to go where first.

They both grabbed the ends of Finn's bed and shuffled over to the corner to place it down. It was a nice bed. Plenty of room for two, but neither one of them had even dared to think about acknowledging it.

"Now you can grab the dresser," Finn said teasingly as he motioned to the pile of furniture in the middle of the room.

Poe's squinted his eyes at Finn and laughed dryly, "Yeah yeah, I was just trying to be helpful, smart one."

He walked over to the dresser and picked it up again- yes Finn still stared at his arms this time- and set it next to the side of the bed.

"Perfect," Finn said breathily as he watched Poe lean back up and squint his eyes when a ray of sun hit his face.

Everything he did seemed so perfect and inexplicably beautiful that he stopped questioning it. It was like Poe knew so he would do it just to tease him. But it was nothing. Just his mind seeing things that weren't there.

They finished moving the rest of the furniture and once again Finn's apartment was complete.

Poe leaned on the edge of the counter and sipped the cup of water that Finn had generously offered him during the middle of them painting. He wasn't sure what to do. He finished his job of helping and didn't know if there was another excuse he could come up with to spend more time around him. He sighed, blowing a piece of hair out of his face and stretched his arms out- for the effect. "Well I guess my job is done here. You sir, are welcome."

Finn, feet swinging back and forth off the counter, jumped back onto the floor and held out a hand, "I greatly appreciate it."

Shaking his hand, Poe shrugged. "And you know if you ever need some more help, not that I did much, you can always knock on my door. It's not very far anyway."

Grinning, which he had done a lot in the past hour and a half, Finn nodded. "Of course and same goes for you."

They both nodded slowly, hands still in another, for a few extra moments before Poe reluctantly pulled back and turned to leave.

Finn almost failed to remember that he was wearing Poe's jacket- he had put it own as a joke to tease him and forget to take it off. As soon as he did remember though, he immediately started to remove it and called after Poe. "Your jacket!"

Poe turned around and was reminded how good Finn looked wearing his jacket. He smiled. He was really starting to adore the man in front of him so he insisted, "Keep it, it suits you."

He pushed a fist into Finn's chest as he involuntary bit his bottom lip nearly piercing the skin.

Finn parted his lips but no words came out. "I-Thank you," managed to stutter out.

"No problem, buddy."

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