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Rebecca walked down the stairs and fully expected to see Colby and Bexley awake, considering it was almost 10 in the morning. However, Bexley was still asleep as Colby was the only one downstairs.

"How long have you been up?" She asked siting on the couch next to him

"About an hour" he answered "Bexley was up but crashed again so I took her back upstairs" he explained

Rebecca moved over so she was closer to Colby. He wrapped his arm around her and she instantly curled into his side. After all they didn't get moments like this very often, Bexley was always in between them or attached to one or the other.

"Oh crap" Rebecca said "it's mommy daughter date day" she shook her head "I completely forgot"

"Huh?" Colby asked confused "mommy daughter what day?"

"Once a month me and Bexley have a date day.. where I take her out and we do whatever she wants to do" Rebecca explained "and I promised her last time I'd take her to the movies.. and there isn't a theater anywhere close to here"

Colby heard that and immediately felt bad. He didn't know anything about this. Of course there were other things to do around Davenport, just not movie theaters.

"I have an idea..." he said and Rebecca looked at him "I don't have any classes at the academy today.. give me until about 2 and I'll have something finished"

"You promise your not gonna do anything drastic?" She questioned and he nodded

"I'll be on my best behavior" he promised and gave a quick peck to her lips before going to get ready

Bexley woke back up shortly after and walked downstairs to Rebecca scrolling through her phone.

"Happy mommy daughter date day!" Bexley exclaimed "are we going to the movies?"

"I'm sorry baby but there isn't a theater around here.. maybe next time we're in a city with one I can take you" Rebecca said, knowing what Colby had up his sleeve

"Oh.. ok" Bexley said sadly "we can just watch movies here I guess"

They were in the middle of Cinderella when Colby texted Rebecca and said everything was ready. She didn't know what exactly that meant.. she just knew it was something special.

"Come on kiddo.. daddy needs us" Rebecca said and Bexley hopped up

They arrived at the academy a short while later. Rebecca opened the door for Bexley and walked in behind her.

What they saw was amazing. Colby had put a projector on the wall and turned the ring into a pile of blankets and pillows.

"Surprise!" He exclaimed "I brought the movies here"

"Colby you didn't have to" Rebecca shook her head "but you did" she smiled

"Come on mommy!" Bexley exclaimed

They climbed in the ring and got situated while Colby turned on Bexley's favorite movie.. beauty and the beast.

"Can daddy join?" Bexley asked sweetly "I know it's mommy daughter date day.. but daddy seems a bit lonely over there" she said motioning over to the desk by the door where Colby was sitting on his phone

"If he wants" Rebecca said "but he seems pretty interested in whatever he's got going on over there"

"Daddy!" Bexley yelled "come watch with us!"

Colby laughed and walked over to the ring. He climbed in and right next to Bexley. She snuggled into his side and pulled at Rebecca's arm for her to come closer. The three of them laid in the middle of the ring.. just enjoying the night.

Colby looked down at one point and both girls were asleep. When he looked at them, all he saw was his future. He'd never felt this way before and he was sure he'd never feel this was again with anybody else. He knew this was forever.. him, Rebecca and Bexley. Maybe the truth coming out opened both his and Rebecca's eyes to their true feelings about each other. He was determined to be the best dad he could to his little girl. He was determined to make this woman his wife at some point. He was determined to make his dream a reality...

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now