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Rebecca waited until she was allowed to see Bexley. Colby was god knows where.

They got the reaction calmed and she was now able to breathe on her own. They wanted to keep her over night just for observation and in case anything were to flair up again.

"All she's been asking for since she woke up was her mommy and daddy" the nurse said as she led Rebecca to Bexley's room

Rebecca walked in and Bexley was propped up against a few pillows and looked exhausted.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again" Rebecca said as she sat on the edge of the bed "I'm just glad your ok"

"I'm fine" Bexley insisted "I wanna go home"

"You can go home tomorrow" Rebecca said "you have to stay here tonight"

"Where's daddy?" She asked and Rebecca had to fight back tears

"Daddy isn't here right now.." Rebecca choked out "but Ashley and Manuel's coming" she said to get off the topic of Colby

"But I want daddy" Bexley said and tears began to well in her eyes "he wouldn't leave.. why did he go?"

About that time Ashley and Manuel walked in. Ashley could tell Rebecca was having a hard time.. Colby filled her in on everything.

"Go calm down.. I'll distract" she whispered in Rebecca's ear

She walked into the hallway and leaned against the wall. She slowly slid down and eventually was on the floor sobbing.

"I get one thing good going for me and I fuck it up" she said in barley a whisper "why.. why can't I just ever let myself be happy?"

Rebecca stayed in that spot for nearly 10 minutes before she felt someone sit beside her. She didn't know who it was, but she knew the scent... it was Colby.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing he said "I overreacted and I said things I didn't mean. You were right to get mad and I probably shouldn't even be here right now considering you probably don't want me here.. now I realize I'm rambling" he said and felt her grab his hand

Rebecca looked up at him for the first time since their blowout. Even though her makeup was smeared and tears stained her face.. Colby still thought she was gorgeous.

"I didn't mean anything I said earlier" he said again "i want that to be perfectly clear.. I didn't mean that I was done with you. I very much want to be with you and I don't want to ever have to go another hour with me and you on the outs"

"Me too" Rebecca said "I should probably clean myself up before I go back in there.. but you go ahead.. she's been asking for you"

Colby stood up then helped Rebecca to her feet. His hands landed on her waist and he just held her there for a moment before looking directly into her eyes.

"I love you" he whispered "so much"

"I love you too" she replied

The space between them closed and their lips connected. There was not a couple in history that didn't have disagreements or fights at least once. But it was the couples who worked them out and came back to one other that worked out and stayed together forever.. that's what Colby and Rebecca were... forever.

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now