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3 months later

Rebecca was 36 weeks. She'd been off the road for about 2 weeks at this point while Colby and Bexley still traveled from town to town.

They'd finished Quin's nursery, the soft yellow walls and pink accents around the room was all Bexley's doing, she was getting excited now for her baby sisters arrival which would be in a few weeks... or so they thought.

Rebecca walked down the stairs that morning, Bexley had spent the night at Holly's, Colby was sitting on the couch playing video games.

"Are you ok?" He asked when he saw the look of discomfort on Rebecca's face

"I keep getting these sharp pains" she said and her face contorted and Colby knew it was happening again

"Breathe" He said and grabbed her hand "how long have you been having them?"

"About an hour or so" she answered "I get them every 5-10 minutes"

"Are you in labor?" He asked and her eyes widened

"No" she shook her head "I know what contractions feel like and these are not it"

"Why don't you go lay back down" he suggested "maybe you just need to rest"

Colby helped her up off the couch and up the stairs. They got about halfway up them when Rebecca stopped and felt a gush of liquid release from her body.

"Colby" she said as she looked down

"Your water broke" he said "your in labor"

"She can't come yet" Rebecca said as tears began to roll down her face "I'm only 36 weeks"

"Bexley came a week later an she was fine... nothing bad is going to happen" Colby assured her

"But I'm not ready.. I haven't had time to mentally prepare for this" she protested

"You got this" Colby said "now we better get going before we have a baby on the stairs"

The 30 minute drive to the hospital was filled with silence, apart from Colby helping Rebecca through contractions every few minutes.

When they got there, Rebecca was brought back to labor and delivery. They checked her and she was indeed in labor... 7 centimeters to be exact.

"Your progressing pretty fast, we could give you medication to slow the labor process" the nurse said and Rebecca shook her head

"I went through it last time without any drugs, this time isn't going to be any different" Rebecca said

Another hour passed, Colby called Holly and filled her in on everything but told her not to bring Bexley until Quin was officially here. Rebecca hadn't dilated anymore and was still sitting at 7 centimeters.

"If you don't start progressing in another hour or so, we may need to go with a c-section" the nurse said

"No" Rebecca said "I'm going natural"

"Rebecca.." Colby said "if we have to.."

"No Colby, I'm not having them put me under and then not be able to see my baby" she said

"I'll come back an check you again in 2 hours and if your not at a 10, we have to do a c-section" the nurse said and left the room

The pained worsened and came quicker within a span of 45 minutes. Only after Rebecca was practically screaming in pain that Colby went to get the nurses. They checked her... and by some sort of miracle, she was at a 10.

It was time...

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now