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Rebecca packed her things, left the arena as fast as she could, went to the emergency room to get everything check out, then planned on going back to the hotel.

They did a complete ultrasound and ran multiple tests. The baby was perfectly healthy and was completely unbothered by everything. Measuring at around 9 weeks, Rebecca was along farther along than she thought.

She quietly opened the door to their hotel room and then shut it even quieter. She knew Bexley would be asleep in the other room but sure enough, Colby was right there waiting for her.

"Why?" Was the first thing he asked "why didn't you tell me?"

"Colby I..." she tried to say but be cut her off

"Not only did you not tell me... you risked our baby's life by going out there... then you didn't even have the guts to face me, you ran off and left our daughter asking 'where's mommy?' Until she practically cried herself to sleep because she was worried sick about you Rebecca" Colby explained

"I was scared Colby!" Rebecca yelled, although trying her best to keep it down in mind of the sleeping girl in the neighboring room "I found out Im growing a human inside of me!" She exclaimed tears beginning to well in her eyes "I-I didn't know what to do"

"So you go out and take hits and risk losing it?" Colby asked "if you would've came and told me, we could've figured something out" he explained "you don't exactly like finding out your girlfriend is pregnant from her best friend"

"I'm sorry" she said quietly "I'm sorry" she repeated and began to wipe the tears from her eyes "I can't say that enough.."

"Is she at least alright?" Colby asked

"Completely unbothered" Rebecca answered "I'm 9 weeks and 2 days"

"You've been pregnant for 9 weeks and we're just now finding out?" He questioned "how is she even alright?"

"I didn't feel any different until today" she said with a small smile "you said she..." she said quietly "your already attached..."

"I told you, if we had another baby, it was going to be a girl" he said "and no, I'm not attached, I'm just saying" he added and walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, hers winding around his neck

"Just admit it, your excited and can't wait to have your own little sidekick" she smiled and leaned up to connect their lips

"I have absolutely no idea what your talking about" he said which made her laugh

"Mommy?" A sleepy voice questioned and Bexley walked up and reached up of Rebecca

"Mommy's back" Rebecca replied and picked her up

"Everything better?" Bexley's sleepy voice asked

"All better baby, go back to sleep" Rebecca said and gently rubbed her back until she fell back asleep then placed her in her bed

After, Rebecca plopped down on the bed next to Colby. He sighed then turned so he could pull her closer.

"We're doing this right this time" he said "I'm not going to be the best friend who didn't know you were pregnant with my kid, I'm not going to be the best friend who just went to one or two appointments, or was there when you gave birth because you didn't want to be alone. I'm going to be your boyfriend who's there every step of the way, every appointment, every time you get a midnight craving, or every time you feel the baby move, I'm going to be there. I'm not going to be your best friend who sits there while your in pain and just offers to get the nurses, I'm going to be the boyfriend who's there helping you through the pain. I don't want you to go through this alone again. I don't want this baby growing up wondering where their dad is or who he is. I'm going to be the dad who's there from the second they're born to the second I take my last breath"

Rebecca turned so she could face him. She couldn't help but smile. This was the man she'd loved for years now and had only come to admit it in the past few months.

"And that's why I'm so glad Bexley has you as her dad, and I'm so glad your the person I'm in love with"

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now