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Arriving in Ireland was an always an experience. Fans were constantly stopping Rebecca for pictures or old friends would want to catch up, even Colby was getting stopped.

Bexley was so tired and just wanted to get to Annette's house, at one point she had found her way into Colby's arms and asleep on his shoulder.

Even after waking her up and trying numerous times to pry her from around Colby's neck, they gave up and he ended up in the backseat with Bexley practically on his lap and Rebecca driving, which is something they tried to avoid at all costs.. for no reason other than she wasn't the best driver in the world.

The almost 45 minute drive from the airport couldn't be over fast enough. Even Colby started dozing in the back.

After arriving at Annette's, Rebecca tried taking Bexley but she had no interest in being in anybody else's arms other than Colby's.

"I hope you don't mind the leech you have attached to you" Rebecca said as she pulled their bags out of the car

"What leech?" Colby questioned sarcastically "I think we may have lost Bexley, I don't see her anywhere" he said getting a laugh out of Rebecca

When Annette opened the door, she couldn't help but smile.. not at Colby, but Rebecca. It had been at least 6 months since she'd seen her daughter.

"Oh I've missed you dear" she said pulling her into a hug
"I've missed you too ma" Rebecca replied
"Where's the little one?" her mother asked
"Well..." she said pointing to Colby who was standing there with Bexley still sound asleep in his arms
"Hello Colby" Annette said in a not-so-excited to see you tone
"Nice to see you" he replied

You could tell there was tension. Colby held nothing against the woman, she held something against him. He was completely fine with the fact he would probably never have a relationship with Rebecca's mother. Although at times it did bother him. Seeing how Annette was sometimes standoff-ish with Rebecca when she talked about him or even mentioned him.

After Bexley sleeping almost another 2 hours, she finally woke up and was excited to see her Nana. Rebecca thought it would be a good idea if they all went out for dinner since there wasn't much Annette could cook to fit her daughters diet.

They went to this beautiful, but not too fancy restaurant. The food was amazing, and as for the view it was breathtaking..

All four of them sat at a table outside since it was a nice evening and they could see the view better. At one point, Colby had taken Bexley over to the very edge of the balcony so she could see.

"You really do love him don't you?" Annette asked
"Yes I do... and he loves me" Rebecca said "and he loves Bexley more than anything in this world"
"I think I was wrong about him..." Annette admitted and Rebecca almost dropped her glass "he isn't so bad after all"

" Annette admitted and Rebecca almost dropped her glass "he isn't so bad after all"

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Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now