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After Rebecca had showered and got her things, her and Colby went to the bar down the street from the venue.

"Last time we were in a bar together, it didn't end too well" Colby said bringing up their past

"Let's not mention it" Rebecca shook her head and laughed "it was nearly 7 years ago, crazy how time flies"

"I mean we could do it again and forget about it in the morning" he suggested "I wouldn't mind" he said and shrugged his shoulders

"Yeah, I got a kid a gotta deal with tomorrow, I'd rather not have a blinding headache added to it" she said

Nearly 7 years ago, Colby and Rebecca had their rather odd meeting. They were in a bar, one thing led to another and way too many drinks to remember, and they ended up in Colby's hotel room and their clothes... let's just say not on. They swore they'd never speak of it to anybody or bring it up. It was a mistake and should've never happened.

After they had a few drinks, Rebecca thought it was best they head back to the hotel before they made another mistake.

Colby walked Rebecca to her room and to his surprise she invited him in. He sat on the bed and she sat next to him in silence. You could feel the tension grow with every passing second...

Before either of them knew what they were doing, Rebecca was on Colby's lap, their faces just inches apart.

"What are you doing?" He asked taken aback by her actions

"I-I don't know" she stuttered "but do you want me to stop?" She asked in a whisper as her face got closer to his

He answered by placing his lips on hers. It wasn't long before they got caught up in the heat of the moment and the all too familiar sight of what happened years ago, was beginning to happen again.

However, this time it was different...

They weren't two people who had just met in a bar, they weren't drunk, they weren't forcing themselves to do this... it was just happening. They let it happen, they were letting themselves go. They didn't care in that moment, it was just them.

"We should stop" Rebecca said trying to catch her breath

"You started this, and you don't like to have unfinished business" Colby taunted and placed his lips back on hers

"We really need to stop Colby" she said again and he listened "I would gladly let this go where it was headed but it won't do either of us any good" she explained

Colby left around 11 that night and went to his own room. Rebecca had settled down for the night when her phone rang with an incoming FaceTime call from Ashley. When she answered, Bexley's face popped up.

"Why are you up so late?" Rebecca asked

"Why are you up so late?" Bexley mocked her mother

"I'm getting ready to go to sleep which is what you should have done hours ago" she said "now goodnight, I love you"

"I love you too mommy" Bexley said and blew Rebecca a kiss and she done the same before hanging up

Rebecca smiled and laid her phone on the table beside the bed. She couldn't help but think about everything that happened that night and what could've been.

At one point she considered calling Colby and seeing if he was willing to come back to her room but decided against it.

What were they getting themselves into?

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now