Chapter 24 ➵ Leaving

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4 days later:

Will's Pov:

I'm leaving Mike's today. I know I'll see him again, but it feels like for good. Before, I was just leaving behind a best friend. Now, I'm leaving behind a best friend and a boyfriend.

I cant believe I never thought about this, but how are we supposed to be together, if we live hours away from eachother? I know we can talk on walkies, but its not the same.

Listening through walkies arent even that great either. You hear lot's of static and the person on the other side sounds like a robot.

Mike, is not a robot.

Anyways, Karen was driving us all, including Mike, to the airport. Mike had to do some begging though. Luckily, Karen's car is big enough for all of us.

"Will! Do you have all of your things packed?"

"Yes mom! I'm coming downstairs now." I say hopping down the staircase.

I'm not happy about leaving at all. I don't miss my room, the neighborhood, the neighbors, my classmates, NOTHING. I hate New York. Nothing there makes me happy.

"Mom, why can't we move back here?" I complain.

"Because, it's too dangerous." She whispers as I walk into the room.

"But it's safe now! Plus I haven't got any bad memories for this place. I grew up here. I wanna stay." I whine.

"Will, we cant move back here... Jonathan is going to college next year anyways, and I think we should stay there."

"But mommmm!" I whine. "New York sucks!"

"I'm sorry you dont like it sweetheart, but we cant move right now." She frowns.

"When will we be able to?"

"Um, not for a long time? We just moved into the house a few months ago."


Mom takes a deep breath to calm down and walks out of the room. I didn't mean to piss her off, I just lost control and all of that... spilled out.

I hear footsteps from behind me, and I turn around.

"It's your favorite personnn." Mike smirks.

"Yes it is." I giggle.

Mike walks up to me, and turns his head side to side, making sure no one is watching.

Once he realizes that no one is around, he presses a kiss to my cheek.

"I wish you didn't have to leave." He frowns.

"Me neither, but I have to."

"Christmas Eve is tomorrow! Why couldn't you guy stay through Christmas? It doesnt make any sense." He complains.

"Hey..." I start. I take him over to the couch and we both sit down.

"This isn't goodbye, it's just a temporary situation until you see me again." I try cheering him up.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna call you so much you'll wanna turn of your walkie." He grins

"Come on. I would never." I playfully hit his arm.

"We'll see about that. I come with many surprises." He smirks.

"Ew you're weird." I poke his cheek with my finger and smile.

He's such a dork.

"Yeah, but you still love me."

My smile slowly fades away. He's not wrong... I look awkwardly down at my feet.

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