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She felt was her feet sinking in the ground. Sohee opens her eyes and looks down to see her two feet is now buried under the white snow. She then looks around taking in how everything around her is white—like an empty canvas.

The space she stood at was blanketed with snow. And the snow is still falling from the sky. Sohee faced her palms upward to catch the snowflakes. She giggles when they all are piling up in her palms. Strangely enough, she didnʼt feel cold.

It is winter and she is in a piece of white dress. No coat, no socks, no muffler and gloves to keep her warm. Yet, why is she not feeling cold at all? Has she turned numb?

While Sohee was frowning down to the snows in her hands, a man was watching her from afar. He is Kim Tae-hyung. He knows her and he has been waiting for her to appear on this rooftop since a week ago.

“Sheʼs awake.” he talked to himself. Deep inside, a pile of guilt has built in him. It was all his fault. Had he not been playful when driving, had he not trying to pinch her cheek for being cute, his car wonʼt steer off of the road and hit a car from the opposite side.

He caused the accident that took his life at the scene and major injuries to his beloved fiancée. He should have gone to afterlife with a grim reaper assigned to bring him. But guess what?

He ran away.

He didnʼt want to go. He wasnʼt ready to go. He couldnʼt go... without her. Ever since his soul awaken and watched his upside down car, his bleeding self and his unconscious fiancée, he knew he couldnʼt go anywhere without making sure she is not dead too. He wanted her to be alive.

However, his mind changed.

A week spent without her, he found his life meaningless. He will have to go to the afterlife after she woke up as per his promise to the grim reaper, but after seeing her in front of his eyes, smiling and moving in soul form, he sees hope. A spark of hope that he could bring her with him to the afterlife and live happily together.

Taehyung smiles at the happy thoughts. However, a quick realization made his smile falter. Sohee didnʼt remember him. He wonders why and stares apologetically at her because again, he was the reason why. She had major injuries in her head which put her under coma and probably was the cause of her amnesia.

“Taehyung,” her voice calling his name was what he missed the most. He smiles at her, waiting for her next sentence.

“Why canʼt we feel the cold weather? Or is it just me?” She asked full of concern.

Taehyung blinks his eyes once then twice. Now that she mentioned it, realization once again hit him. He was only wearing a loose long sleeve shirt and a loose pant. He was also barefooted. For seven days, he has been wandering around the hospital and in the city covered in snow but the cold never bothered him.

“As a soul, you need not feel what human feels.”

That was what the grim reaper told him when he didnʼt feel pain after tripping over. He also canʼt touch breathing human.

Taehyung remembered trying to stroke the head of sleeping Sohee on the hospital bed and he freaked out seeing his touch went through her hair like air.


He looks at her with a faint smile. How should he explains to her?

“It might sound crazy, but do not freak out okay?” Taehyung decided to tell her what he knew and what he has heard from the grim reaper.


Sohee scans herself up and down again then she scans Taehyung next. Both of them wore white and were barefooted. Under the snowy sky, if they were still human, they would be freezing. Sadly, they were numb to the warmth and cold.

Connecting the traits to Taehyungʼs stories, she realised this all was real—that she is no longer a human.

“So are we ghosts?” Sohee sounds shocked. She may lose her memories, but she remembers listening to or watching ghostʼs stories and most of them were scary. How come she or Taehyung doesnʼt look scary at all?

“You can say that.. But for now we are pure soul. Pure souls who refused to leave the world after 7 days will slowly turn to evil spirit that the humans called as ghost.” Taehyung explained calmly while he is totally aware that today is his very last day, his last chance if he want to go as good soul.

“You mean if we turned to ghost, we can never go up there?”

Taehyung nods.

“So today is my first day.” Sohee rubbed her chin, noting down she has six days to go. “How many days have you been awake? How do we go up there? And.. do you remember how you died? Because I donʼt.”

Taehyung bit his cheek when thinking the answers will eventually lead him to tell her the truth he wanted to keep: 1) His soul has been wandering for seven days because he is waiting for her, 2) They will go up there with the grim reaper, but only if they died, and 3) He died because of car crash and she was in the car with him.

She will know they knew each other and get mad at him because he was acting like today was their first meeting, acting like he didnʼt know and never loved her before.

Taehyung was hesitating whether to tell her the truth or to lie. He is already dead but Sohee isnʼt. Thus he canʼt take her with him. However, she can go with him on one condition: if it is on her own will.

Which is why Taehyung will choose to lie. He has to try to convince her that she is already dead, then befriends her and asks her to leave the world with him.

Perhaps, her losing memories about him was a blessing.

“I died because of car accident and today is my fourth day. We go up there with the grim reaper assigned for us. He has come for me, to be honest, but I was not ready. I donʼt want to go alone. Now since I met you and you are alone too, will you come with me Sohee?”

He knew he was being selfish. He knew he was a total jerk for taking advantage on her amnesia. He knew well the Heaven will punish him for his wrong doing. He knew he will turn to evil spirit if he stayed stubborn.

He knew that all, but he knows best he couldnʼt continue to live alone without her.




Enjoy the first chapter✨ and I hope you like it! 💘

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