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L E T  G O


It was painful for Sohee to see Taehyung in the condition he is. He didnʼt look like Taehyung she used to see everyday. She wonders what was the red blight that appeared everytime his skins fly off. When she made eye contact with him, she shivered because the red eyes were so fiercely intimidating.

“Sohee, Iʼm sorry.” her heart tightens at how sorrowful Taehyung sounded.

“Itʼs not your fault, Taehyung-ah. Iʼve made up my mind. Iʼll go with you so can you please.. fight the changes? Or am I too late?” Sohee spoke with every one step forward to reach her fiancé.

A hand stopped her from going further. She looks up and see the grim reaper glaring at her with his cold eyes. She knows the emotionless face he wore was to mask his true emotions. She feels the same way Jin does.

Both of them didnʼt want to lose Taehyung to evil.

As a grim reaper he could have force Taehyung to leave since day one, but why was he giving him chance? Why was he being so nice, unlike the traits (scary, fierce and heartless) she was told in her life?

“Have you lost your mind?” Jin asked.

Sohee shakes her head. “You say I can help him in two ways: take off my ring or leave with him.”

Sohee looks to her empty right hand fingers then she stares back at Jin. “I have taken off my ring but it didnʼt seem to help him at all.” She then glances to Taehyung who was enduring the pain while hearing their conversation. Not to mention, his red eyes were big and were twinkling in hope.

“But to leave with him-”

“I know. I have considered it all, very thoroughly. And this is my decision: Iʼll go now.”

Jin stared at determined Sohee. His heart slowly felt light at her sacrifice to leave with Taehyung, eventually filling the soulʼs ever wanted wish. His greed will fade away, but it was half possible now that Taehyung is almost 90% into the change.

He turned to Taehyung who is slowly getting tired to hold on and fight with his own evil. There is a way, a grim reaper can help. He will have to burn away the fire blight with his flame and that is no doubt a torturous curing.

With his sword Jin poke the blights on Taehyungʼs feet causing him to scream.

“What are you doing?!” Sohee quickly held on his arm and with all her might, pulled him away from repeating it.

Instead of answering her, Jin watched his flames eating off the blights and when it worked, he put up his sword again. Before he pointed on another wound, he looked at Sohee as if asking for her permission to go on.

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