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How could this happen to me?
Or was it just in my fantasy?
I'm feeling so lost
Don't know what to do
I'm alive but barely breathing
I'm faded

I thought everything was going to be okay
I haven't felt the feeling to do this to myself for a very long time
But right now
I can't get through the day without it

After almost 3 years
Still nobody knows my secret
They don't have a clue
How I feel about myself
I'm just wondering when this all will end

I'm not 24/7 sad
I'm sad when I'm alone
Alone in the darkness
Because then everything is dark
Like my mind

But in the datk the thought overwhelmed me
I can't control it anymore
I'm thinking about things that I shouldn't be thinking about

I'm feeling alone
Even though there are people around me
I feel unwanted
I feel less
I feel like everyone is better than me
And I know it's true
But I just want to smile for real
And feeling happy

Sometimes I don't understand why
Becaude I have a family who loves me
And a good home
I have a best friend
I'm not getting bullied
I'm getting good grades
If you compare me to others, I do not have a really bad life
And I know that
But I still feel like this

When I'm out of the house
A feeling of worthless sorrows me
I compare every girl with myself
I hate myself so much
And I hate it when beautiful people call themselves ugly and fat and more
Because they don't know how badly I want to be beautiful and skinny


9:31 AM

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