Chapter 3

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Weeks passed. The Raven had made a few more attacks here and there around the city. Banks, in particular, had been completely robbed empty of their money with the Raven's logo spray-painted on their vaults.

I met up with Jackie a few times that week as we tried to break down the attacks, but with the lack of information from the police, we were just as lost as we were before.

"So he hit here, here, and here," I said, pointing to several banks scattered across the city.

"But why does someone like The Raven need to steal nearly five hundred thousand dollars worth of cash? That's what we're missing here, is his motive." Jackie said.

I stared at the map, my hand on my chin and I thought about it.

"If only we could get in a close up fight with him, then we could see how he does it."

I sat up straighter. "That's it. If we could lure him out, then maybe we would get some answers."

"Nat, are you insane? That was wishful thinking, you go into a fight with that guy, someone's going to die, and I don't want it to be you."

"But think about it Jackie, with this, we might be able to figure out his identity. Wouldn't you at least help me?"

Jackie shook her head. "Sorry Nat, but you're on your own for this one." She stood up, headed towards the door. "Let's do something else for a little bit, alright? You up for a movie?"

I sighed. "Alright,"


I'm here. Erin's voice echoed in my head. I leaned back slightly to see her car parked outside. I sighed and tapped Jackie on the shoulder, who had fallen asleep half an hour into the movie.

She opened her eyes sleepily, still not completely awake. "Mm?" She muttered.

"Erin's here, I gotta go," I said, standing up.

She drowsily slouched up against the couch, pulling the blanket further up on her arms as she dozed off again.

I stepped outside and got into the front seat of the car, fastening my seatbelt.

"You know you can text me, right?"

"But what's the fun in that?"

"The fun is that I don't have you getting into my thoughts."

"Oh come on, all you were thinking about was that movie and how loud Jackie's snores were."

"I still don't like it. Can't you just stop?" I said, looking towards her.

"It's not--"

"Not that simple, I know." I finished for her. "So why are you picking me up so early? I thought Mom said I could stay 'till six."

"She's in a fight with The Raven right now and figured it would be best if you were home."

"Another fight? Where?"

"North end of town, so don't worry, he'll be far away from us."

As soon as we got to our house, I went straight into my bedroom and closed the door. After I heard Erin's footsteps disappear into her room, I knew it was my shot.

I slid open my bedroom window. I had my foot on the windowsill as Jackie's words echoed in my head. You go into a fight with that guy, someone's going to die, and I don't want it to be you. I hesitated for a moment, staring out onto the city.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped at Marco's voice. "You scared me!" I said, turning towards him.

"You do realize we're two stories up, right?"

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