Chapter 6

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With Soccer season starting, I was constantly going to Jackie's games. It was a good distraction, just like Erin had said. I was quite possibly one of the loudest cheerers in the crowd, and so far Jackie's team had yet to lose a game.

I met up with her after a game, the sweat dripping down her face, though she quickly wiped it away.

"You did amazing out there!" I said.

She smiled, panting. "Thanks," she said, grabbing her water bottle. After taking a long drink, she set it down, turning to look at me with a genuine, but tired smile. "Too bad I can't repay you for all of this. You always come to my games but I feel like I can't do anything for you in return."

"And you don't have to," I said.

"Still, it'd make me feel better."

"Well, I haven't had a good piece of chocolate in a while." I said with a smirk.

She laughed. "Alright, deal."

We shook hands on it and began walking towards the car. I climbed into the driver's seat, Jackie next to me.

"So, how's your mom? Isn't she working extra hours now?" I asked.

Jackie nodded. "Yeah, she has to now since we're getting as much income per month. I'm thinking when I turn sixteen in a couple months I'll get a job to help out."

"I'm so sorry about the divorce."

"Don't be. You've gone through so much more than I ever will. At least I can still see my dad, even if it's less than before. Besides, this is for the better. At least now I don't have to hear them arguing every time I come home."

"Wait, but if you get a job, won't that get in the way of your soccer?" I said, glancing towards her.

"Well yeah, but I can drop soccer."

I almost had to do a double take. "What? But Jackie, you can't stop doing soccer. It's your favorite thing in the wor--"

"NATALIE STOP!" Jackie yelled.

I slammed on the breaks, barely stopping myself from hitting a young man walking across the street. He stopped and looked at me, his clouded blue eyes sending an icy feeling down my spine. "It's him," I muttered.

"Wait, you know Conner?"

I turned to look at Jackie. "Conner?" I asked, starting to drive again once I made sure no one was in the street.

"Yeah, Conner Gonzales? He lives near my house. He's about our age, but he doesn't go to our school. I'm pretty sure his uncle said he has some disciplinary issues, though I'd have to ask my mom, her and his uncle are pretty good friends."

"Interesting," I said softly. "Anything else you know about him?"

Jackie shrugged. "Not much. I've tried talking to him a few times, but he either ignores me or tells me to shut up. I swear, not even Nathan can get to him."

I slammed on the brakes again. "Nathan!?" I said.

"Yeah, that's his uncle. Nice guy, really, always there for people when they need it. He was super supportive during the divorce, helping in every way he could. Why, do you know him?"

I started driving again. "Let's just say he's a friend of my mom's." I said.

We turned the corner and I pulled up to the curb by Jackie's house. We said goodbye and she climbed out of the car and disappeared into her house.

As the week continued, I went to five more of Jackie's games. When I got bored, I would often draw, though my pictures didn't always come out very good. So far I had a picture of Jackie playing, a sphere to practice my shading skills, a self portrait, and another picture of a sunset.

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