Chapter 20

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The truth was that Erin had done exactly as I had said, she had stayed safe. Marco, however, couldn't say the same.

Marco was never home later than 10:30, 11:00 if there was something he couldn't miss. And even if he was later than that, he would have called, or texted, or done something to let us know. That was our first clue.

It was almost midnight and Marco hadn't texted, called, or done anything to let us know he was going to be late. Solstice had gone out searching for him just after eleven, starting from Jackie's house and working his way through there. No one answered at Jackie's, not Jackie, her mom, Marco, it was as if no one was home.

It wasn't until almost one o'clock that Erin received the text from Solstice that he had found Marco. Erin was trying to call him to get more answers but Solstice wasn't answering his phone.

At a quarter past one Solstice walked through the door, Marco's arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"Marco!" Erin said, rushing towards him.

Marco didn't say anything. He let out a soft moan as Solstice walked him over to the couch, laying him down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, he's not saying much." Solstice said.

Marco laid there helplessly, his arms and face covered in burns and scars, like he had been teleporting a lot. Every scenario that could've happened ran through my mind. Did he wander into the shadier part of town, did someone try to mug him, did Connor--

"Jackie," Marco finally said, followed by a dry cough.

"Jackie? What about Jackie?" I asked.

He blinked a few times and opened his eyes, his fiery red hair matted and hanging in his face. "They took her." He reached out his arm and Erin took it, helping him sit up.

"Who's 'they?'" I asked.

He rubbed his head. "I couldn't see their face, but I think it might've been Connor."

My heart dropped to my feet, one of my worst fears coming true.

"How did you get so beat up?" Erin asked.

Marco chuckled to himself. "Him and I got in quite the fight."

"But those look like teleportation burns," I said.

"They are. I tried to get out of there but something happened with my powers. I kept teleporting but I wasn't going anywhere."

"And this was Connor?" Solstice asked.

"Not positive, but it sure looked like it."

Solstice cursed under his breath, startling me. I didn't think I had ever heard him curse.

"What is it?" I asked, glancing towards Solstice, who had started pacing.

"His technology's getting better. Not only is he giving himself powers, he's figuring out how to mess with everyone else's."

"We need to stop him." I said.

Solstice paused his pacing, continuing to think to himself. "I'll talk with Raider and Sparrow, pull together what money we can for plane tickets and hotels. I might be able to file for some extra money from G.L.A.S.S. or the government, but I don't know how long that will take."

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"Wait. We'll get out there as soon as we can, alright?"

"But Jackie--"

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