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I grabbed the last box off of the table and looked around the apartment, making sure I had gotten everything.

"Is that the last one?" Erin asked, walking out of her room.

"I think so," I said, still glancing around the area.


Marco walked in through the front door. "Last one?"

I nodded.

"Here, I can take it."

I handed it over to him. "Go ahead."

Once he was out Jackie burst through the doorway, looking around the apartment which was now devoid of boxes, duffles, suitcases, anything I could store my stuff in.

"Am I late?"

"Marco's loading the last of my things in the car."

She moaned and walked towards me. "I even ran here!"

I shrugged. "It's alright, you can make up for it while we're rooming together." I said.

Erin's eyes lit up and she quickly pulled out her phone. "Turn to face me," She said.

We shrugged and did as she asked, smiling as she took a picture of us.

She squealed as she looked at it, flipping her phone around the show us. "You guys look so cute! I can't believe you two are all grown up now!"

"Erin, it's just college, calm down." I said.

"Oh please, I haven't even been to college."

We laughed as Marco and Nathan reentered the apartment.

"Jackie!" Marco said excitedly. She smiled and rushed towards him, embracing him in a hug before reaching up and kissing him.

"Alright you two, save that for college, okay?" Nathan teased.

The two rolled their eyes but stepped back anyways.

Jackie was planning on majoring in computer programming, just like what Marco was doing right now. As for me, I was looking at graphic design, but hadn't settled on anything just yet. Erin had managed to get a job working for G.L.A.S.S., the best part being that she got to work from home. I wasn't even nineteen, and yet it felt like the entirety of my life had passed me by, but I still had a long way to go, even if the events of my Sophomore year had undoubtedly taken a few years off my life.

I glanced behind me at the oven clock. 2:30, I really needed to leave now.

"You're still good for nine tomorrow, right?" I asked Jackie, reaching for my hoodie by the door.

"Yeah, I should be. Where are you going?"

I slid the jacket over my shoulders. After running through open flames, long pants and hoodies had practically become an essential part of my life if I didn't want people asking about my scars.

"Just for a walk, I'll be back in time for the ceremony, okay?"

"Alright, just be quick!" Erin yelled as I disappeared out the door.

I walked down the street for a little while, entering one of the stores to buy some flowers. I got one that was mostly red, and one that was mostly blue, and one that was filled with a variety of white flowers. Walking down the street and three bouquets of flowers nestled under my arms, I attracted a fair amount of stares, but I kept walking.

I never liked going to the cemetery, but today I felt I couldn't postpone this any longer.

I first stopped at Raider's grave, placing the white flowers next to his name. I had never known him as well as the other visionaries, he was a busy man, working long hours as a surgeon as my mom would tell me. I said my thanks and went to another part of the cemetery.

The headstone caught my eye, the name Johnathan Gonzalez sticking out to me like a sore thumb. Connor's dad. The Original Raven. I walked between headstones until I found Connor's. I had been the one that had convinced Solstice not to bury Connor by his dad. I still hated him, but at the very least, he deserved this.

I kneeled down and put the flowers above his grave, staring at the intricately carved letters in his name.

"It had to be done." I muttered. I wanted to say more, but the words didn't form in my mouth. I stood there for a while, thinking about everything he had done to me, all the time we had shared together, whether in combat or on an apartment rooftop in the heart of the city. I finally decided I didn't have much time to wait around much longer, so I sighed and moved on to my last destination.

"Happy Birthday, Mom," I whispered, setting the bouquet down on her grave. "Jackie and I are headed to college tomorrow. We'll be rooming together, and Marco will be living within walking distance from us. Him and Jackie are still together, they're pretty cute if I do say so myself, though I think Marco's happy to not have to say he's dating a high schooler anymore. I don't blame him. Erin's moving into her own apartment soon. I bet it's going to be weird for Solstice not to have anyone living at home. After years, they're finally putting up a statue of the Visionaries. It's going to be by the G.L.A.S.S. building, that's actually where I'm going to head after this. I wish you and Dad could see it. Nathan had to approve the design, and he says it looks really good." I sighed, my smile faltering. "I really miss you, both of you. And I know I should come out here more often, but I can't bring myself to. Ugh, I'm gonna start crying." I said, letting out a sad laugh as I reached up to wipe the tears from my eyes before they could escape. "I don't want the others to be waiting for me, so I should go." I simply nodded before leaving.

It had been almost three years since my mom had died, and seven since my dad had passed. I could still see their faces in my mind. My mom's frizzy red hair that outlined her face. She was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen, even in her later years. I could still imagine my dad's soft eyes, staring back at me. They were like mine, but less angry and more comforting to look at. I sighed, trying to keep myself from crying anymore.

I met up with Jackie, Marco, Erin, Nathan, Yasmin, and Monica by the G.L.A.S.S. building. I arrived just in time, only having to wait a few minutes before they unveiled the statue.

My mom was kneeling in the front, flames shooting from her hands as she stared almost directly at me. Raider was on her left, staring into this distance with his cape majestically hanging off of him. Solstice was on her right, with a hand on my mom's shoulder while Sparrow soared in the air behind them, her wings wide open.

There was a plague at the front.


This time I couldn't hold back the tears. They came rushing out of me without warning, but despite them, I didn't feel sad. I had always fought against my mom and her career, the life she chose to lead, but that was who she was. Now, she was practically immortalized, and that put a part of me at peace, knowing she gave her all to keep as many people as she could safe.

In my short life I had gone through more than anyone should ever have to know. But even now, standing here, staring up at the stone version of my mom, who, despite the mask, looked like she was smiling.

If they couldn't be here with me, it made me happy to know that they could be appreciated for what they had done during their life times. I had spent so much of my life living in anger, upset by the world around me. But now I could at least see what I had been missing during all that time.


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