장 1 하나

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From a deep sleep, I am shaken awake. I hear a small voice whisper hastily, "We have to leave now, my prince."

I glance up to find Yeong with fear embedded into her eyes. She holds a lit lantern that dims one side of her face, enhancing the tiny wrinkles on her cheek.

"Nam-Joon," she softly spoke again, nodding out towards my window with urgency.

I sit up quickly, looking out to find a brigade armed and ready to attack. My pulse quickens.

"We need to go now. Now." She demands, pulling on my arm roughly. I quickly got up.

"What's going on?" I ask while still in a slight haze.

The sudden loud gongs of the northern tower ring through my ears, indicating it was midnight.

"No time to explain, hurry. We have to find your father." She pleads with me.

As we bolt down the low lit hallway, my head starts to pound. Yeong heads for the darkened staircase. I am still confused. My bare feet slap against the marbled and polished floor, trying to catch up to her. I grab her arm. She stops.

"Yeong, I demand you to tell me what is happening to my kingdom." I command. I could feel my whole body beginning to pulse with anger.

She sighs and turns with a helpless look, "Nam-Joon," she speaks sincerely. She walks back into the moonlight, where her frail and thin hair shines a tint of pale grey as her shadow follows behind her, making her look smaller than she actually is.

"Lord Kang-Yoo is after your father's throne." She sighs once more while shaking her head. "Knowing your father, he won't back down without a fight. They will try to make you their prisoner, a sacrifice your father won't take."  She pauses and looks up at me, "No. Not like this, not after your mother. He would be forced to give up his throne."

We hold eye contact for a moment until we hear the roars of the army. My heart drops. They're getting closer.

Yeong looks at me in terror, "They're coming this way. We need to go." She pushes me down the hallway.

I stop her. "No," I softly spoke. She pauses and looks at me with concern, "I have to save my father."

Sitting on its golden display, my sword gleams. It captures my attention for a moment. With no time wasted, I snatch it off the display and instantly felt its heaviness in my hand, and stared into its luminescent glow from the full moon shining through the window. It was quite beautiful.

Without looking back, I near the steps.

"If you go out there, you will be their prisoner. They will kill you." Yeong's voice cracks as she roughly grips my arm, almost like a mother grabbing after her child.

I stop in my tracks and sit in thought. I knew my duties, even if it meant taking a life. I know what I must to do.

For the kingdom. For my father. For me.

I yank my arm back and peer over my shoulder, "Then so be it."

Racing down the steps, I was ready for war.

Reaching the end of the steps, I come face to face with the northern dictator himself, Lord Kang-Yoo. As he sits on his horse tyrannically, locking his eyes with mine. I raise my sword as he raises his hand, ceasing his army. He smirks and begins to chuckle slightly.

"Well, for is it the young master of South Iskoia himself.. Prince Kim Nam-Joon." He starts to climb off his horse. "It's quite a beautiful land that we both share here, huh? We're pretty lucky to have Korea as our boarding region."

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