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Mads pov
I was getting ready for when Jaden would pick me up. I was kinda glad that he said that I should stay over for a few days because being in the house was not healthy, being a third option or a forgotten thought. No one really new that about me I juts tried to make every one happy  and not to worry about it.

A few hours later I had gotten ready and packed, Jaden should be here in a few to pick me and go to the party. I was nervous to go to the party juts because that's not really my thing but I wanted to be with Jaden.
I heard the door bell go off and I knew that was Jaden.
"Mum I am going, see you in a few days" I yelled out knowing that I wouldn't get a response. I walked out of the house to see Jaden leaning against his car in a black button up and black jeans.
"Well hello beautiful" he said while looking me up and down.
I just blushed I walked over to the car. Before I could get over passenger door he pulled me into a hug by my waist and I wrapped my hands around he neck.
"You do look pretty tho" he whispered to me while pulling away from the hug
"You done look to bad your self j"  I said while looking up to him.
"Ok let's go you ready" he said as he trapped my bags and chucked them in the boot.
"Ugh I guess so" o said as getting in the car
"Hey don't be nervous it's just a party and I will be there the whole time "
I just smiled at him, for some odd reason I felt safe with him and I felt like I was enough for once. After thinking about him for awhile I was snapped out of the thoughts by Jaden once again putting his hand on my thigh. It didn't bother me because it felt like when he did small stuff like that, that he meant it and wasn't trying to be sexual. It felt. It just felt right.

We soon pulled up to the party, I got out of the car and as soon as I got out of the car I admittedly tensed up.
"Hey you ready" jaee de n said holding his hand out for me to hold.
I reached out for his hand and he lead me inside. I had a really bad feeling about this party.

Jaden pov
I could tell mads was nervous about this party but I didn't understand why she was scared, but I decided I would just stay with her.
We walked in and grabbed a drink each, and walked over to Bryce and Addison who had already been there for awhile. We all moved over to couches and talked to for the awhile. We were all having a good time, it was good juts to let lose and have some fun,
I stood up and walked over to mads who was sitting next to Addison and it seemed like she was feeling better and had calmed down a little. I held my hand out to go drag her to go dance.
"Come dance with me" I asked
She stood up and took my hand with a cute little smile on her face.
We danced for what felt like forever but really mads was just tired
"Hey j I want to go sit down you coming"
"Yeha ok go sit with Bryce I will be there in a few I just want to go get a drink "
She just nodded and walked over to Bryce.

Mads pov
Jaden said he was going to get a drink then he would go sit with me. I walked over to Bryce and stood next to him.
"Hey kid, what's up" he said while resting his arm on my head.
I juts looked up at him and rolled my eyes as he lifted his arm and put it back to his taking a sip at his drink. I was just standing there quietly until I felt someone come behind me and pull on my wrist. I thought it was Jaden so I just turned around even tho that not really something he would do. I turned around to see this tall blonde headed boy hold my wrist, I wasn't listing to what he was saying but I new that he was trying to get me to go with him. I slapped his wrist but he grabbed my waist and whispered in my eye.
"Come on baby girl "
"No get off I yell"
Bryce who was standing next to me who hadn't notice what was happening to now turned around to see me terrified at the current situation.
"Oi get off her " he yelled at the blonde boy
"Make me there nothing you can do"
And that is where Jaden come rushing over hearing the commotion.

Jaden pov
I had got my drink but got distracted on the back over to mads with one of my mates but as I said bye I noticed that mads was looking very scared and betce was yelling at some guy. I rushed straight over to mads to make sure she was ok.
"Mads are you ok"
"Yeha I am fine but Bryce is about to get beat this kid up" I knew she want fine but I knew if there was a fight that would make her feel worse.
"Aye Bryce he isn't worth it let's get out of here" at this pint Addison had walked over and some how she had a way of just calming him down instantly.
I walked back over to mads who had tears poring down her face. I just pulled her into a hug, I had one around her waist and the other holding her head close to my chest.
"Come mads let's get you home and out of here and then we can talk about it"
She just nodded and I walked her out keeping one hand around her waist.
We got to the car and the trip home was silent.
We got home and I took her to my room and sat her on my bed. I got her some clothes to change into and she walked to bathroom and changed.
She Caine back out looking as cute as ever. I was just laying on the bed and I patted a spot on the bed text to me. She walked over to me and I pulled him down and made show she was as close as she could. I run my fingers through her hair.
"Hey your ok now and I will keep you safe " I said as I kiss her head
She looked up at me and smiled and lasted back down
"I am sorry for ruining your night I I know you wanted to have fun not have me crying over something stupid"
"What ever it was wasn't stupid and obviously scared you but get some sleep and we will talk about it tomorrow morning "
As I said that she closed her eyes and she wasn't out straight away.

An—— sorry I don't know where this is going but I am trying so idk if I should finish but I hope it's ok

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