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Jadens pov
It was the day that me and mads were leaving to go to see my family. I was so excited I knew my mum would love mads, but mads was so nervous.
My mum new about what was happening with mads family just because I didn't want her to say anything wrong and upset her.
"Come on bubs. You gotta wake up"
It was 5:45 in the morning and mads is not a morning person so she was not going to get up.
I walked over to the bed and started to lean down and placed kissed all over her face.
"I think you missed" she grumbled
"Oh did I " I smirked
She pointed to her lips.
I placed a kiss on her lips and she pulled me down so I was laying on top of her with my head in her neck. I started to kiss her neck being careful not to leave any hickeys
"Watch it there buddy. The last thing I need to meet your family is a hickey"
I just laughed at her and rolled of her.
"You need to shower so we can go"
"Ok ok I am getting up"

Mads pov
I got up and headed to my room so I could go shower. I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. I had my music on a low volume because it was so early and I didn't want to wake anyone.
I was half way through my shower when I herd a knock on the door. That could only be one person.
"Yes Jaden"
"Mmm I need to shower to can I join" I could tell he was joking
"Nahhh but what you need tho"
"Any way I was going to say you nearly done we have 30 minutes until we have to leave"
"Yes. I am jus about to get out"
I turned the water off and reached for a towel. I walked out and Jaden was still there.
"Hey j can you pick me out a outfit "
He just smiled and walked out of the bath room.
While he was gone I did my skin care routine and dried my hair. I didn't worry about make up because we would be on a plane and it would probably get wrecked.
Once I had finished that's Jaden come back with both his hoodie and pants. He put them down and walked out, I got changed and walked down stairs to see Tayler and Jaden taking in the kitchen. Tayler was taking us bc he had a early meeting after and said it would be easier and would not have to pay for parking.
"Good morning little one" Tayler saod knowing I hated that. I rolled my eyes and  followed them to the car.

We got to air port Tayler had dropped us off and we where boarding our flight.

I sat next to the window and Jaden was next to me. Before we had barley even been in the air for 5 minutes I was asleep in Jadens lap.

Jadens pov
Mads slept the hole flight, she had her head in my lap and I was just playing with her hair.
It was time to get off so I woke Mads up
"Sorry was I asleep on you the whole time"
"Yes but it's fine."

We got off the plane and walked to baggage claim to get our bags. We didn't have a lot of stuff before we were oonly staying juts under a week.
We had finally found out bags, I grabbed Mads hand and led over where we were going to meet my parents.
"You ready to meet my parents"
I looked down at the beautiful girl who clang to my arm.
"Y'all be fine" I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Jaden!!" I herd someone yell out knowing that would be my mum
As she come closer I pulled her into a hug.
"Hey mum"
As I let got she stepped and and pulled Mads into a hug.
"Ok so mum this is the one and only Mads and mads this is my mum"
"Hey miss hostler " she said sweetly but I could still tell she was nervous.
"No sweetheart call me Amy"

Mum said we would see dad later because he was at work but would be home after lunch sometime. We drove home and talked about how la was and mum got to know Mads better.
I could tell my mum really liked her and that honestly made my year.

An———What did y'all think of this chapter hope it was good also think I have spelt Taylers name two different ways so I am sorry xxx

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