Janeiro 31

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"What you give, you receive" and my personal favorite "Karma is a bitch".

When you live in the middle of the best of your country in what you do... you are bound to receive what I like to call "drama queens lashing tongue".

In Portugal is hard to find a group to practice with women, in plural, usually because egos get hurt and hormones are little bitches. And has we all know we tend to get a little heated when something doesn't go our way, and we lash our tongues without thinking in the repercussions it may have.

I have a long distance (it's the most shitty thing, if you ever come across this type of situation please don't do it) relationship with my coach, which means I run where I live and sometimes I go to Lisbon and practice with the Team.

This year I have been lacking in that department and since going to Lisbon cost a lot of money, i haven't been going there much which has provoked a rebellion in one or two of my fellow team mates. They don't understand that As much has i would like to... I don't practice in a top notch facility like they do. Going to Lisbon means having  to drive something like 70km at 5am what makes me so dam tired when i actually start to run. they forget that they Don't do anything else but running.

They don't think about it and they believe i have to be at the same level has they are even though I've had a consistent  injury which limits certain movements sometimes and don't have the same ways to get it treated. Bottom line they are mad because they believe i should be the one pushing the pack.

I've heard about problems like this in other training groups but never thought it would happen in mine. I guess evolution are an evil thing, egos get bigger and peoples stop thinking before speaking. so now here i am, not going there at all.

Hardly sorry for not gracing them with my presence especially because I am the one losing and not them and also because I don't have to deal with all the stress. I don't have to adapt my plans to theirs. I do my own thing. It is hard.

It hurts I have to deal with everything by myself my coach it not present neither tries to be. I know we ARE a bit lot of athletes but it's not an excuse.

I just hope the future brings a different light. 

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