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I guess someone thought you should be stuck with me. Sorry.
I'm a 22 years old and some secret Santa thought I needed a journal. What am I supposed to do with you?

Should I present myself? Creat a fictional character in case I lose you (Believe me that will happen) and tell you me deepest secrets and hidden history?

Should I get your blank pages full of drafts?

I really don't know what to do with you...

I guess I will start by saying "Hi. I'm May Cruz and I guess you are stuck with me".

I'm back.  I did some research on what I am supposed to do with a journal.. yeah I am that stupid. I guess I just don't want to put you in the garbage.

I'm going to try and write you as much has possible. Sorry if things get messy and confusing. It's just hard for me to out what's is inside me in words.

Should I say welcome to my outbursts

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