february 5

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Hello? Helloo?

Have you heard about that new virus going around China? Our government says it's impossible to arrive to Portugal but the way it's been spreading all around Asia it's going to be here before we know it. And we are not ready for it. It such a Portuguese thing. We only act upon emergency.

I've been back at the track everything.

Indoor Clubs nationals are just around to corner. I don't want to compete indoors... last time I set my eyes indoor my body didn't take it very well. My medical team believes it's because the different inclination on the side off the track and going through it so many times. Still recovering from my feet injury. Finally able to run but I still have a lot of work to do.

It's hard to accept that you won't be able to help your club with points, but it's athletics, and you have to put a good load of work if you want to run in an a good level.

The only good thing about being in recovery is that I will be attending has a substitute, so I'm still going with the team, food for free. And for the first time I will be able to enjoy the hotel breakfast (celebrating so hard), I will be with my bubbas aka my friends and team mates. I will be able to see some of the best runners in the country compete which is the best way to learn.

People have this stigma of thinking that running it's just that... running. They don't know what goes through during a race. Mentally, tactical the knowledge the instinct the amount of hours practicing. Especially indoor track.

I just hope we will be able to compete without any trouble added to the already hard mix. Covid is a ticking bomb about to explode in Europe, and I pray that by the time it actually happens we will have an action plan and our politics are ready to take action.

I will tell you a little secret I actually really want to compete. I miss it... and I love the 3000 indoors. I feel like I will be ready by the time the competition comes. Although the work won't be 100% done I feel like it will be enough to get fit and fast. And the girl who will most definitely run the 3k has an asshole for a coach, I feel like I should punch him every single time I see him. Ughhhh, hate feeling like this and karma is bitch but that dude is do annoying. I can't wait to defeat her. It's like a burning flame who only gets bigger.

I know I won't be ready for the PT Nationals. But the energy when your competing for your team not only for yourself it's so fulfilling and helps you reach that extra bit. Hard to describe but so addicting.

Can't wait to put the work, to get fitter and healthier. 


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