katsuki's room | night eight.

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((what's above is my canon lmao))

❛ katsuki's room | night eight ༉‧₊˚✧

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❛ katsuki's room | night eight ༉‧₊˚✧



you cheered groggily, hopping up from your bed, "we're gonna go to your room for once, this is so fun!"

"shut up and don't make me regret this, dumbass." bakugou growled, stomping down the hall. "shitty hair is right next door too, so keep that loud mouth of yours shut or i'll do it for you."

"ooh, do it for me how?"

"i swear to fucking god, you're already starting with this shit-"

"jk, jk!" you said quickly, raising your hand in surrender. "im just kidding, meanie." you stuck your tongue out at him, and he rolled his angry, piercing red eyes, going to open his door.

you squealed once he did open it, and you hopped inside, immediately looking around. it wasn't as explosive and as 'bakugou' as you had pictured it in your head.

the bed was mostly where everyone else's had been. there was a shelf for all might merchandise. you smiled at the thought, the little section reminding you of a far more subtle verison of midoriya's room in general.

there was also equipment for work out, which had reminded you of kirishima's room- but again, more subtle. he's like a nice in between. you beamed and your eyes trailed to a wall, there was a large empty spot, then darts were on the dresser.

you pointed to the spot, "it looks weirdly plain, katuski." you said and tilted your head. "why is it plain?"

bakugou shrugged, "why the fuck not?" he asked. "the cards are dealt. now stop getting distracted by a damn room and let's play so i can kick your ass."

you carefully sat at the foot of his bed and picked up your cards. it was a nice set with a kind of fair split between special cards and normal ones.

you flipped over a card to start the game and it was a red zero.

you snorted and bakugou snapped his head up to judge you immediately. "well, basically," you said, already explaining without bakugou having to utter a word. "zero sounds like sero. so... imagine if sero died his hair red! ahahaha!"

"fucking christ you're the biggest moron i know." bakugou groaned. "i will fucking kick you out."

"anyways, so the game..." you said quickly, placing down a red five, carefully glancing back up to bakugou, who was now focusing on the game.

"so how many times have you won and how many-"

"5-2, im the the lead, and im gonna fucking win this one too. so its gonna be 6-2."

who knew he was keeping score? but then again, this was the edgiest of all edgy angsty teenage boys, katsuki bakugou. of course he would keep score of his victories.

"yah right! im not letting you win!" you did your basic defensive move and stuck out your tongue.

bakugou smirked, raising his brow, not saying anything and continuing with the game. your jaw dropped at the fact you barely got a reaction out of him. "katuski? what's up with you tonight?" you questioned him curiously.

bakugou growled, "nothing, fucking dumbass."

you smiled, "hm, better." you said, continuing with the game, happily placing down a blue 7. "so..."


"are you in here often?"

"you're a fucking idiot, y/n."


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