bonus | night one thousand...

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❛ bonus chapter| night one thousand five hundred twenty seven

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❛ bonus chapter| night one thousand five hundred twenty seven. ༉‧₊˚✧


"do it yourself cards?" you looked at the small squared box in your boyfriend's hands and shook your head, "i hate those things."

"i know. you told me," bakugou rolled his eyes, shuffling the deck in his hands before distributing seven each.

you groaned, falling back onto the large bed, digging your head into the pillow, "katsuki, can we play tomorrow? it's getting late and i have to spend all day at the office tomorrow. i have to get my hours of sleep in,"

"you'll get your stupid hours in after this round. last one and you can sleep, alright?"

you shook your head bitterly with a huff. he somehow always convinced you to do what he wanted. even after five years of being caught in his tactics of persuasion — you still couldn't get past it. "fine," you agreed, holding your hand out for your cards.

"hey, don't close your eyes," bakugou narrowed his eyes at you. "you're not going to sleep until we finish the damn round,"

"okay okay, i got it, jeez," you sighed, scanning over your cards. so many special cards— there were hardly any numbers. "are you that set on kicking my ass? what's the score, again?" you looked at the color— green— and put down a green zero.

bakugou grinned, almost proudly. "900 to 627 and counting," he placed down a green three.

you smiled sleepily, "i'm catching up," you placed down a red three.

"you wish," bakugou smirked. "stay awake."

"i'm awake. promise." you let a yawn fall from your lips before you said teasingly, "are you gonna make a move? or are you scared?"

bakugou glanced up, dark red eyes which were surprisingly soft tonight stared directly into yours, "you never did tell me why you hated these damn 'do it yourself' cards,"

you tilted your head, "they're stupid." you stated simply. "it allows too much creativity and pulls away from the original game. i like it how it is. it's nostalgic. like right now. feels exactly like five years ago on our first night... i like it. i don't like when things mess up something that's already perfect."

bakugou hummed, placing down a red four. "small changes don't always fuck up perfect things. like the small changes to your hair or something."

"to my hair? are you saying it's perfect?" you smiled cheekily with a hum. "okay. so, the small changes to your hero costume."

bakugou made a sound, "or to us."

"to us?" you raised your brow before laughing, "what do you mean? nothing about us has changed. i mean you've changed. for the better."

"the damn point is: the do it yourself cards. i like the freedom it gives us to the game, alright?"

"you never liked being held back." you placed down a red four with a blue four and fell back to your pillow, shutting your eyes as a small yawn fell from your lips.

"don't fall asleep."

"i won't." that was a lie. you felt yourself being pulled into the dark warmth that was slumber. bakugou knew you weren't able to spend late nights with him. since your quirk got stronger, more amounts of sleep was needed to meet the improvement.

the both of you had adjusted to meet the demands of your quirk already, when the relationship got more serious. seemed he didn't care tonight.

"are you awake?"

"yes, katsuki," you shifted, playing with the sheets of your bed to keep yourself awake. "did you make your move yet?" when he didn't say anything, you blinked your eyes open, "katsuki?"

"your turn."

you groaned sleepily and looked down at the deck. "do it yourself," you mumbled bitterly, squinting at the words. "what does that say— oh my god." you dropped your cards, looking at the one that faced you before looking up at the blond male, who kept his gaze down at his own lap— were his hands shaking? "katsuki, what does it say? are you serious? is this—?"

bakugou lifted his head and turned the other way, "you're not doing anything, you dumbass."

you looked at the card again.

'marry me or draw 25.' was written in his handwriting, shaky, but definitely readable.

the corner of your eyes stung with sudden tears and your nose burned, your face was hot, hands were shaking as you brought them to cover your mouth. when you closed your eyes, the tears spilled over and you sniffled. bakugou's eyes widened in a panic as he set aside his own cards. he spent a good few seconds, staring at your shaking shoulders, wondering what kind of tears you were crying.

happy? shocked? surprised? devastated?

"hey, y/n—"

"reverse." you finally managed to choke out your response, searching your cards with your tear ruined vision, "uno reverse, katsuki— yes. yes plus four— all yes!"

you laughed when you looked up to see him let out a shaky sigh as he fell back onto the bed. he grabbed you by your waist and you willingly went along, letting your head drop into his neck. your face was wet with tears and burned hotly, bakugou was still shaking what you could only assume to be nerves.

you bit your lip, pressing against bakugou's neck. "it was the only option... i am not picking up 25 cards."

"shut up, dumbass," he laughed, reaching over for something. your smile widened when you felt his fingers trace over yours, something cool and thin sliding down your ring finger. "i want to spend the rest of my life enjoying your shitty company."

you examined the thin engagement ring, feeling your eyes sting again "oh my god, you're such a romantic," you gasped, pushing yourself up with your arms on his chest, "did you pick it yourself?"

"eijiro and deku helped," he caressed the side of your face in his large hand, "the final decision was mine, though."

you smiled, "katsuki, i love you. i love you so much."

bakugou pulled you down to press his lips to yours, "this is getting repetitive," he said, watching with exasperated eyes as you grinned. "you still want me to say it, don't you?"

you hummed, "mh, how about you say you love me back or pick up the deck?"

katsuki frowned, looking over your shoulder, "where the fuck are the cards—"


"yeah yeah. i love you too, dumbass."


writing in second person again was a struggle omg byebye—

lololol this was a special chapter for 7k followers. even if i didn't hit it yet, im extremely close and this how i wanted to show my appreciation.

so yes, im sure this is the last chapter for this story on wattpad. im so grateful for the insane amount of support ive received from this story alone. so many of you guys are telling me this is the best bakugou story you've ever read skshkdksd i cant handle all of that weight guys— but thank you so much it all really means the world to me.

thank you for supporting me to the end and i really, truly love and appreciate all of you lovely baby beans so much. thank you <3

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