epilogue | night eighty.

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❛ epilogue | night eighty ༉‧₊˚✧

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❛ epilogue | night eighty ༉‧₊˚✧



"shut the fuck up."

"don't get mad cause you aren't winning for once."

"tch. whatever." bakugou put down another card, and you put down your final one with a smile.

"i won!" you said simply. bakugou stared at you for a bit, and you stared back at him. before you knew it, the cards had been pushed aside and they fell on the floor of your dorm room, making you smirk.

your boyfriend was such a sore loser.

"you could've just told me you were upset +4 twice, babe."

you weren't even mad at the cards being thrown, instead, you climbed over your bed and settled by his side, pulling him down so you could cuddle in his chest.

"im not fucking angry." bakugou rolled his eyes with a 'tch' and turned his body to face yours, his piercing red gaze meeting your soft e/c one. "i feel something else and it pisses me off."

"everything and everyone pisses you off." you smiled. then you snapped your fingers and did finger guns, despite laying down, "except me~"

"occasionally, fucking cute stupid dumbass." he tried covering up his sweet statement with double the amount of insults.

you smiled and moved closer to him, pressing your lips to his, swinging your leg over to straddle his waist. you laughed quietly, "you called me cute."

"and you called yourself a dumbass, so what's fucking new?"

you smiled when you felt his fingers run through your hair and his lips against yours for a small kiss.

your arms rested on his chest, studying his face. bakugou was staring at you with a frown, different from anger. it seemed like frustration.

"what are you feeling that pisses you off?" you pouted a little and sat up as katsuki sat up himself. "can i help you with it?"


"wha-! awh, katsubabes, why? i wanna help!"

"cause you're causing the stupid feeling, y/n." katuski pushed you back and off of his waist, he stood up and bent down at your drawer, facing away from you to examine the nic nacs on your dresser, as he always did.

typically when he was trying to avoid talking about something, or was nervous about telling you something, you've grown to figure out.

your eyes widened and you scooted to the edge of your bed, pursing your lips. "katuski... if this feeling is uhm... between your legs-?"

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