get out | night fifteen.

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❛ get out | night fifteen ༉‧₊˚✧

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❛ get out | night fifteen ༉‧₊˚✧


it was already 2:10 am.

where was that stupid hot tempered ash blond to force you to help him with his sleep problems?

you blew out a breath of air, falling back onto your bed with a small bounce and groaned. you've been waiting for an hour. usually he was knocking on your door by this time.

with that final thought, you sat up quickly in your bed and threw on a fuzzy blanket thing of some sort and made your way out your own room. there was no way in hell you weren't going to talk and try and figure this whole situation out with him.

you basically confessed to him last night. he seemed pretty normal during school today as well, but it wasn't like either of you really spoke besides your late night gaming time.

it was weird because nobody really saw the two of you as anything more than classmates, and bakugou didn't really have an issue with you. of course, you faced his general wrath like literally everyone else, but he didn't singularly have a problem with you.

nobody thought anything of you two and your relation with each other because it seemed as if you guys barely acknowledged each other.

you both agreed to keep it that way. you didn't like the idea of people knowing you spent time with katsuki at like two in the morning, and, well the explosive boy's thoughts on it should be obvious.

so now you were standing at his dorm door with a hard frown. you raised your hand and gave it a couple of knocks. no answer. you sighed and knocked again, waiting.

"im trying to fucking sleep!" you heard the muffled voice from inside his room. "stop knocking on my damn door, dumbass!"

you raised your brow, "how'd you know it was me, katsuki?" you called with a small smile tugging at your lips. "im coming in," you called.

"i don't want any fucking company!"

you laughed and opened the door- well tried. when you twisted the knob and pushed the door, it pushed back and you couldn't open it.

you figured bakugou had his back pressed against the door to keep you out of his room. you frowned, "katsuki, what the hell?"

"i fucking told you i dont want any company, shithead."

you would just have to do one of the oldest tricks in the book: pretend you were leaving.

"...fine. i'm leaving, meanie!" you let go of the knob and stomped your feet a few times, slowly stepping softer and walked a few inches away from the door. you watched the pressure on the door release and smiled at your victory, slowly making your way back over.

quickly, you pushed the door open and fell on the floor of katsuki's room. "aha!"

"what the fuck?" katuski turned and looked at you with a scowl. "god damn fucking idiot." he muttered. "im not playing anything."

"what's wrong with you tonight?" you asked seriously, sitting on your knees and rubbing your elbows due to the scratches from the fall.

"nothing. im tired as fuck and i just want some damn sleep." he got into his own bed and turned away from you.

"yeah, so did i for the past two weeks but that didn't happen for me either," when he didn't answer you, you raised your eyebrow, confused. "i'll just lay down with-"

"don't fucking think about it." he said firmly. "just get the hell out."

you stood up from the floor and crossed your arms over your chest, face scrunched. "you actually want me to leave?" you were starting to get worried. he wasn't typically this stubborn on not playing or spending time with you.

matter of fact, he never had any real issues with it at all, no matter how much he pretended. but it didn't feel like he was pretending this time.

"do i sound like im fucking kidding, l/n?" katsuki growled, pressing his head into his pillow some more. "im not doing shit tonight."

"katsuki-" you cut yourself off when he raised a hand to flip you off, which made your eyes widen and jaw drop. that certainly pissed you off. you huffed and stomped the other way. "fine then."


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