Chapter 13- Our conversation

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It was a day before the operation. And everyone was frantic.

I've had a lot of time to talk with the guys and Hayul. I'm thankful that the boys decided to visit everyday. It was a great help. The tension between me and Lisa just got to a whole 'nother level.

As I looked around the hospital room, dad was sleeping soundly. Lisa had Hayul's head on her lap and they were both fast asleep.

The only people awake in this room were me and the twins. I haven't had the time to introduce myself to the twins so maybe this might be my cue to talk with them.

I approached the two little creatures that were busy playing on the sofa. I crouched down to their level

"Hi! You two seem busy."

The little girl greeted me.

"Hello Mr! You wanna play? It's really fun. You should join us. " She gave a toothy smile.

The boy just looked at me and remained quiet.

" I think that's great

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" I think that's great. I know this really cool place were we could go play some more. It has a lot of swings and a lot of space to run around in." I said to them.

" Oh, oh! I wanna go. Can we go Mr.?"
She was jumping excitedly.

"Sure. I could take you. I will just leave a note to your mommy. She's sleeping at the moment. "

I wrote a  message on a post it.
It says....


    I took the twins to the park. They wanted to play outside. We'll be back shortly. Don't worry.

                                       JK ❤️

I took both their hands in mine and we walked to my car.

I saw the look my little boy gave when he saw my car.

"Wow Mr! Your car is amazing. " Jia said.

I had them seated at the back and I put their seatbelts on.

The car ride was fun. Jia kept singing and  talking animatedly with Jihyun.

Jihyun just smiled at Jia.

We arrived at the park shortly.

When I opened the door, the two ran freely and went directly to the swings.

I followed behind.

"Jia, be careful ok?" She nodded.

"Jihyun, stay close to me and Jia." He nodded at me and went to Jia.

The twins were playing when a group of girls approached me and giggled.

"Hi. I'm Sana. Can we like take a picture of you? You're super handsome." The girl said shyly.

I get this a lot. Tsk. I was about to reject them when

"No, he won't. He's not allowed to. My Mommy will get mad ok?" Jia said giving the group of girls the cutest death glare she could do.

Wow! Feisty just like Ella.

The girls stared at her in awe.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie but who are you to say that? " Sana told Jia off.

Jia glared some more and said "I am Jeon Jia and he is my daddy."

"Daddy, can we go now? I don't like it here. " She tugged my hand.

"Yes sweetie, we'll go. Can you call Jihyun now. " She pouted but and nodded and went to fetch her brother.

I faced the girls and said "Sorry, we're kinda busy at the moment. " And left them there.

I saw the twins and approached the two. Jia was still pouting.

I carried Jia and held Jihyun's hand and we went to the nearest bench.

I sat them there. There was a moment of silence before the spitfire that is Jia spoke.

"You can't talk to other girls ok?  You're not allowed to look at them. Do you get me? " She looked at me seriously and that just made me laugh.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I assure you, I won't talk to other girls I promise. " She smiled at what I said and then hugged me sideways.

This is my cue. We really need to have a CONVERSATION.

"Jia, Jihyun, what did Mommy tell you about your daddy? "

They both looked at me.

"Mommy said that our daddy couldn't see us because he was busy working. He was far away and that he looked exactly like Jihyun does."

I was just staring at the little figure as she explained. She then faced me.

"You are my daddy right? " The little boy just looked at me.

I faced the two and offered my hand.

"Hi. I'm Jeon JungKook and I am your daddy. " I smiled brightly at them.

Minutes passed but there was no response. I was about to continue when the little boy suddenly hugged me and said.
"Hi daddy! I missed you. "

I'm a goner!

" Hi daddy! I love you so much. " Jia followed with the hugging. I kissed them both on the cheeks.

"Daddy will be here with you always from now on. I'm sorry daddy was away for long and couldn't see you but Daddy promises that we will always be together, do you get me? "

They both nodded and smiled at me.

I thought that having this conversation with the twins would be difficult because I was bad at explaining.

But I guess I have to thank Lisa for introducing me to the kids and never saying bad things about me. They clearly understand even at a young age and I'm grateful that she has raised them really well.

Thank you Lisa!

It was starting to get dark so we had to go back to the hospital.

When we arrived, Lisa was there in front of the hospital. When she saw us.

"Where were you? Have you lost your mind JungKook? You were gone for a long time. I was worried. " She  rambled on.

"Hey! I informed you about me taking the twins to the park babe. You don't have to worry ok? We're already here and we're safe.  Calm down ok?"

I explained. She just shrugged. She then saw the sleepy state of the twins and carried Jia from the backseat.

"Next time, call me if you plan on being this late. " As she was passing me.

"Yes ma'am!" I smiled.


I carried Jihyun and we entered the hospital carrying both our angels.

T'was such a good night.

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