Chapter 7- The Tension

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The Jerkook was at it once more.

I swear I really wanna wring his neck and feed him to the wolves. I really would do it.

Before I could retort my ever so loud sister arrived.

"Hey Lil! The staff said that Dad's room is on this floor. Room 143. Let's go Lilibear! "

She was busy rummaging her bag to notice the pairs of eyes looking at her.
When she looked straight ahead. She gasped.

To say it was funny was an understatement. Ro had her mouth open and was in panic mode. I could tell.

It was Jimin who broke the silence.

"Hey baby! How have you been ?"

With what Jimin said, Ro was on attack mode.

She glared at Jimin."Baby my ass. PARK JIMIN, who gave you the right to call me that? Stupid embicile. Guess you haven't changed one bit. " She scoffed at him.

Let's just say that these two had a long and very chaotic relationship. One that I am not prepared to retell.

Jimin just laughed. The rest of the guys greeted Rose.

"Hey Ro! You look even more prettier than before. " V commented which made Ro blushed.

You see friends, my sister Roseanne Manoban is what I define as classy and sophisticated young woman

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You see friends, my sister Roseanne Manoban is what I define as classy and sophisticated young woman. She's girly and very witty might I add.

She is talented in so many ways and not to mention a lot of guys are dying to date her. So she gets these compliments a lot. So it's JIMIN'S lost..

Take that Park Jimin. You and Jerkook over there are stupid. You really are best friends. Tsk.

I really could not keep my smile from showing

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I really could not keep my smile from showing. This situation was really quite funny indeed. I was busy listening to the guys and Ro talking when suddenly a pair of strong hands gripped my hands and dragged me outside.

What's with all the violence this days?
Stupid Jerkook. You'll pay for this.

"And exactly where are you taking me Mister? " I stopped and faced the jerk.

For some reason the jerk had a glum expression. Which just means that he is not happy. And I care? NOT!

He brought me to the hospital garden and made me sit on the bench. Ugh!

"What exactly is your problem? I need to get back there. My dad is waiting, can't you see?" As I was about to walk away. He stopped me and said

"Pls. I just want us to talk. Just for a few minutes. Pls. " Can you freakin' believe it? the JEON JUNGKOOK begged and said pls.

It's a miracle.

I stayed. "What do you want to say? I have no time for this ok? Daddy needs me. "

"How are you? " He smiled.

" Out of all the questions in the world you pick that one up. Great! I'm just freakin' great. Happy? Now can I go?"

"Wait! " He sighed. "How is Hayul? She looks absolutely gorgeous. Just like you. How is she? Has she started school yet? " He seems to be super excited to hear my reply.

"Really? JungKook really? Now is not the time to ask for questions about Hayul ok? Don't you think it's a little bit too late for that? My dad is in there and is really sick and you ask about my daughter ".  I incredulously said.

"Well what do you want me to do huh? You've been ignoring me , you wouldn't even smile at me, and worst you wouldn't even look me in the eye. I'm desperate ok? " He said loudly. He was on the brink of shouting. He was kinda pulling his hair a little. "This is the first time I get to see you after so long Li. The first time ever that I got to see Hayul. Do you expect me to just stand there like a statue? I've been looking all over for you guys. You have no idea what I've been doing just to find you. You left me. You hid Hayul from me? I never got to see her grow up. Now you get mad just because I want to know more about her . Unbelievable. " He was frustrated and just plainly going on and on.

I got really mad. So I slapped him hard.

" Who do you think you are huh? Claiming my baby like you cared for her. And you have the audacity to shout at me. " I was beyond pissed. I was shouting. "Screw you JungKook! You wanted to know more about Hayul? Well, When I was pregnant with her. You were never there. You left us constantly. I had to fend for myself. I would never let my Hayul experience what you did to me. She doesn't deserve to be treated like nothing. She's precious and you don't deserve her love. You lost that the moment you broke my heart. So take your stupid concern and care, and shove it down your ass. Jerk! "

I was fuming. I left him and wiped the unshed tears that were threatening to spill.

He doesn't deserve us.

He still the jerk that broke my heart and I promise I will never let him hurt my babies. The TENSION is on and I promise that JEON JUNGKOOK will this battle.

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