Chapter 16- The Fight

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I slowly approached Lisa as she was too busy talking to that Sehun guy on the phone.

As I was nearing her , I heard there conversation.

"Yeah. Am I gonna be seeing you soon dork? The kids and I miss you. You owe dinner remember?"

She laughed at what the guy said on the phone and when she was about to turn. She saw me. She was startled.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?"
She questioned.

"Yeah. I'm talking to him. Hey look S! I gotta talk to someone. Call you later ok? Bye! " Lisa ended the call and now turned her full attention to me. Finally.

"Yah! I asked you a question. What are you doing here?"

" Who was that?"

"Who was who?"
She asked confused.

"Who was that you were talking on the phone with huh? " I ask frustratedly.
"And why are you even posting pictures of a guy on your Instagram account? "

She jus realized my question and was quick to retaliate.

"Oh. That was Sehun oppa. A friend." Then she started proudly

"And why do I even need to answer your second question huh? It's my account. I can do whatever I want. " She fought back.

"But when it's you getting all clingy and sweet with a guy. It is my problem ok? " I was freaking mad.

She laughed at my answer.

"Yeah. Whatever! It's not even a big deal coz he's a close friend to us."

" Whatever deal you have. You have to consult me first. " I said firmly.

"What? Are you out of your mind? You have no right to order me around ok. This is my personal business. What is even your problem huh?"

I came close to her that made her back off.

"My problem is that you show people how sweet you are with a guy and even post about him. Are you not forgetting that everything about YOU is MY BUSINESS. "

"Jeez! You just made me a thousand times angrier Lisa. Don't push me honey or else.

" Will you just back off? This is my life. You are not the boss of me. " She shouted.

" Oh dear, are you forgetting that this person you're talking to happens to be your HUSBAND and is freaking insanely angry because you chose to be all friendly with a guy? Do I have to spell it out for you Lisa. YOU ARE MINE! Am I clear? "

I got near her and whispered. "Or else there will be serious consequences and you wouldn't like that do you now?"

She ducked and was quick to escape me.

"Why are you being possessive? We're not even clearly husband and wife. We weren't even close to that. Even before. So just go away and mind your own business! "

Obviously the ruckus was very evident that Rose had to butt in.

"Hey, hey! Can you just stop? Your children are sleeping and you wouldn't want them to hear their parents bickering over a post? Do you? You guys are acting like children. Jeez!"

Rose then faced me...

"And you, stop being all macho Hulk  on my sister. You can't be that possessive because you never cared enough for her before. Why change now huh? "

She scolded me. She then faced Lisa.

"You, delete the damn post now. This green Hulk might go ballistic again if you don't. Gosh you two! I seriously am talking to children. You cant even solve your own issues. " She rolled her eyes and left.

I closed the gap between Lisa and I and said in the most threatening voice ever.

"Don't go being nicey nice with guys BABE or else. "

Then I slammed the door to her room.


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