A Week After The New Year[DyShen]

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This story is the continuation of the short story/drabble "Happy New Year". Read the chapter before you read this one. Feel free to LIKE/COMMENT/VOTE on the story if you want to or whuteva.


Yue is about to go for a coffee break at the office cafeteria, she was very happy and was basically having a good day, her work was on a good flow. When she sat down and got her coffee and some snacks, she was surprised by a tall figure behind her back placing chocolates and roses on her table.

It was Hu Yi-Tian.

"Hi Shen Yue. Happy New Year." he greeted with a smile.

"Hi Hu Yi-Tian." Yue smiled. "Happy New Year to you too." she said sweetly.

"Uhm," he cleared his throat. "Uhm, Yue-Yue, there is something i want to tell you."

The people in the canteen's eyes are on them and some are talking in whispers because of what's happening.

"Shen Yue, i like you. I'm in-love with you since i met you." Yi-Tian confessed. "Will you go out with me?" he asked her.

The crowd in the office canteen gasped and were shocked.

"Oh my god, Hu Yi-Tian just confessed to Shen Yue!"

"Wow! I'm so jealous!"

"Why does Yue-Yue get all the guys?!"

"He even gave her roses and chocolates like it's Valentine's Day!"

Yue was stunned and looked around saw the crowd's eyes are on them and got the chocolate and the bouquet of roses in her hands and gave it back to him and he was bewildered when she returned the bouquet and chocolates."Yi-Tian, with all due respect, you see...I...I..."

"Yes, Yue??" he said with a hopeful voice.

"Hu Yi-Tian...I want to tell you something,,,"

"I know you are a good guy and a good colleague in the office and you are kind to me, but i'm already-"


Yue turned her back to the person who called her name and gave that person her sweetest happy smile.

It was Dy-Di.

Yi-Tian was stunned.

The crowd in the office canteen was even more shookt when Dy-Di appeared. More whispers continued.

Dylan placed his arm around Yue and arched an eyebrow at Yi-Tian's direction. "Hu Yi-Tian, why do you have flowers and chocolate?" he asked. "Don't you know the news that Shen Yue is now my girl?"

The crowd in the cafeteria was even more shocked. And also in awe.

"B-but it's not possible! Shen Yue, how?! How did this happen?!"

"Yi-Tian, i'm sorry, i only consider you as my friend, co-worker and colleague. I hope we can still be friends." Yue apologized to him.

Di-Di smirked and put both his hands on his pockets and he approached Yi-Tian patting him on the shoulder and said softly almost to the point of whisper, "Bro, sucks to be you." then he went back to Yue and held her hand and kissed it. "Come now, Baobei. Shall we go?"

Yue smiled shyly and nodded as he kissed her hand again and they left.

They left the cafeteria with the people shocked and stunned, including Yi-Tian.

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