From One Family to Another

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You thought the mansion you and Atticus were fixing up was huge but the Charlotte palace put it to shame. It was gigantic and from afar, it looked like a cake. In fact the whole island looked like it was covered in sweets, like some child's fantasy world. The shockingly different island was enough to make you temporarily forget about how the seastone made you feel as you tried to take in everything.

This place would have been exciting to explore if it wasn't for the situation you were in. Peros and Cracker seemed content to take their time getting to their destination. The latter having lost his bad attitude and returned to being all smiles. He must have gotten over you landing a hit on him or noticed how you still hurt from the fight. Katakuri on the other hand, looked ready to be done with the whole thing and get back to doing whatever he does in his spare time.

Once in the palace you felt a mounting dread, no longer as curious about the sweet wonderland they had brought you to. With each flight of steps they led you up it only got worse until you were sure they could feel the waves of tension radiating off of you.

Eventually you got to a huge set of doors that led to what had to have been your final destination. Peros left your side to open the door, ushering you and his brothers in before going ahead and greeting the larger than life woman who sat at a throne surrounded by various sweets. There were a few other people in the room who gave the brothers and you their full attention.

You almost wished Peros had stayed by you. He wasn't someone you liked but you felt the most comfortable around him compared to his brothers and the strangers stares were beginning to get to you.

"Hello Mama!" Peros greeted her cheerily.

"My sons, I see everything went well." She stared down at you with a grin that could rival Cracker's. You could see the family resemblance.

"Of course Mama." Katakuri said. "She has control of her abilities but no experience using them in a real fight."

That stung a bit but he was right. You might have been a real threat if you knew what you were doing.

Big Mom threw her head back and laughed. "There was no need to send all three of you then, no matter. What's your name girl?"

You cleared your throat quietly and replied, happy that you didn't sound too scared at least. "(Y/n), (L/n) (Y/n)."

"(Y/n), you're a pretty young thing." She continued, bending forward in her seat. "How old are you?"


"And how long have you had your devil fruit powers?"

"Since I was 8."

"Really? All that time and you couldn't put up much of a fight." She was making fun of you. Sure, deal with three huge men and get torn into because you couldn't take them.

"I wasn't supposed to use my powers around other people so they could stay hidden. I didn't have much of a chance to practice with them." You defended yourself. It's not like there was ever much need to learn how to fight at home anyway. The island was always peaceful.

"Yet you still tried, someone saw and ratted you out."

You didn't have anything to say to that. She was right and there was no point arguing about it.

"So you have possession of great skills with no idea of how to use them properly. Tell my why I shouldn't kill you right now and find the fruit again to give to someone better suited." She was smiling still but her voice was cold.

"Because you have me here right now but if you kill me it's free game for anyone. Another person like me could pick it up at any time. Or maybe another yonko. The possibilities are endless." Maybe you couldn't fight but you could talk pretty well. It was one skill you were glad to have picked up from Atticus.

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