Another Visit

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This story is almost done and I'm doing what I can to work through it. Kids are difficult for me to write about which is why I've struggled so much with this story. I love it and wish it wasn't such a challenge but I feel like this was also the right direction to take with this story. I don't know how many times I've read through what I've written to get this figured out but it's a lot. I hope this holds up for the rest of you guys who like this story!

When you left home once again, it wasn't easy. You hadn't seen your family in so long and the stay felt too short. But it wasn't as bad as the first time, when you were whisked away against your will. This time, you knew you'd come back again. Cracker and Atticus got along like old friends and your partner got to see you with the kids for the first time. He couldn't hide that he liked seeing you surrounded by the little ones.

After that, he took you home for the next six months to wait out your pregnancy. You wouldn't have minded spending more time around your family of course, but both he and Atticus agreed it was better for the two of you to get what little alone time you'd have to yourself. Once the kid came around it wouldn't be so easy to get privacy anymore.

And while you weren't sure you'd need so much alone time together at first, the more time passed the more grateful you were that it was just you and Cracker. You thought you were already needy for him a lot before. But it didn't take long until your increased sex drive had his beat, much to his dismay.

None of the staff missed you dragging him away from work or sneaking into his office on a regular basis to tame your cravings. You tried ignoring them as they got worse but it wasn't easy and it got to the point that it was impossible to fight some days. You were glad he was able to keep up with you most of the time.

Besides that, you had quite a few other more annoying changes going on. With your belly swelling up like a balloon you found it hard to do normal tasks. At one point Cracker walked into the bedroom and watched you struggle to get down and pick up a blanket that had fallen on the floor. He finally stepped in to help, chuckling under his breath as he got you to your feet.

Of course your hormones were out of control so you spent a lot of time going through moods faster than Cracker went through sweets. Some times you'd go from sad to happy to angry all in the span of a few minutes. And that was one thing that scared him. It became a game of guessing your mood quickly and trying to roll with it. He did damn well all things considered. The temper he used to constantly have had simmered down over time and he was more patient with you than you thought he could ever be.

Things took an interesting turn when you began doting on Sylas on a regular basis as well. The boy was always so sweet and he was excited that you were having a kid soon. He was very supportive and on the rare occasions Cracker wasn't able to watch over you, he liked to take his place. Though while you loved it, your partner only tolerated it. He knew you were attached to the boy and didn't want to aggravate you by sending him away or being outright aggressive with him so he stuck to pouting whenever you were spending time with Sylas.

When the six months had finished dragging on and you were ready to pop at just about any time, he decided to take you over to Whole Cake Island. The family all wanted to see the baby when it was born and he was more than happy to please them. You weren't as keen, knowing not all of them cared for you still but you didn't want to deny him. He'd dealt with you so well throughout everything and he deserved this one little thing.

The couple days it took to get there somehow led to some of the best sleep you'd had in a long time. The baby had a wonderful habit of kicking and moving around a lot any time you passed out and waking you right back up. Cracker had even been woken up a few different times to feel little feet hitting his back and stomach whenever you'd cuddle up to him. But with how the shipped rocked through the waves over the short ride to Whole Cake Island, both you and the baby were able to settle down at night. You and Cracker were considering spending your nights on the ship if it meant sleeping better, but you doubted Big Mom would agree with that.

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