Surprise Visit

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"...What?" Atticus was having a hard time believing what you were saying.

"Yeah, didn't you always say you'd like for me to have my own kids at some point? Well it won't be too much longer of a wait, just give me a few months." You giggled as he sputtered on the other end of the transponder snail.

"Yes, but I didn't expect it!"

"What did you think was going to happen after I got married?"

"I don't know, but kids weren't high on the list of expectations (Y/n)!" He sounded more than a little exasperated which only made you laugh harder.

"I'm not going to have to do any more missions or work for Big Mom with a kid on the way. Cracker said she'd rather me take care of the baby than run around for her so that's a nice bonus."

"I guess it is." He grumbled. "Well keep me updated on how things are going and tell your man I said he better continue to take good care of you."

"Her man's right here." Cracker said as he ran a hand along your leg, grinning as you tried not to laugh at the ticklish feeling.

He was sitting in the couch with you, leaning over to see what he could do to make your call harder. You'd done a good job of ignoring him until now.

"And I plan to keep taking good care of her. Didn't I say I would before?" He ghosted a gloved hand under your shirt to reach other equally ticklish spots, breaking your resolve to stay quiet as you fell into a fit of snickers and unsuccessfully muffled laughs.

"Whatever, it sounds like you guys are busy so we'll talk again later."

"Bye Addi." You managed to gasp out the words before he hung up. "Cracker you're killing me!" You fell into the couch, your partner clambering over.

He chuckled as you let out a relieved sigh once he stopped. "You think he's going to like his surprise?"

"I dunno, but if he doesn't I'll still be happy to see everyone again."

Cracker had popped in and out of your calls with Atticus from time to time as he and you started to get along better, even finding some common ground with your adoptive father. While they were by no means friends, they got along over transponder snail. Your partner decided that since he and Atticus weren't at odds and you hadn't seen him since you were taken, it was time for a visit. Except it was going to be a surprise for your father.

Right now, you were on the ship heading in that direction, and had been for a day so far. It'd be almost another two days till you reached Faldurn Island so in the mean time you and Cracker were spending the free time in each other's company, not that he'd let you out of his sight anyway.

"How many siblings do you have again?" He let you get up, following close behind like an oversized puppy.

"24, not as many as you." You made your way outside, wanting some fresh air.

"That's still a pretty full house."

"Just so you know I don't want a ton of kids." The thought of taking in a bunch of children like Atticus or having as much as Big Mom crossing your mind.

"How many is a ton?" He asked sitting on a crate beside you as you leaned against a wall, enjoying the sea breeze.

"Any more than like, 5? I'm only one person, I can't handle a whole clan."

"5 kids it is." He snickered as you shook your head.

"Hold up, that's not me saying I want that many!" You gave him a playful push.

"So you don't want a bunch of mini Crackers running around?"

"Have you met yourself? You're a handful without little mini me's to help!"

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