the mountain

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leaning over the precipice of this mountain
flinging myself over the edge would mean giving up
And I'd journeyed up it for days, weeks even, maybe even months, if you count the days i spent wishing with nothing solid to keep me hanging on

The times i held onto the idea while friends and family begged me to give up
I'd never been this stubborn
But I could see flickering lights and mist and soft playing music from the other side
And everytime I tried to give up the music and alluring smells brought me right back in

But now I'm close to the top, my back to the side of the mountain, scabby bandaged fingers clinging to the rock
As the wind hurls around me
It's haunting cries screaming, let go
A terrible cacophony that makes my eyes bleed with salty tears

Is it worth keeping on? If i went back, the looks people would give me, knowing that i proved them right, when they said i couldn't make it
When they said the glory and beauty on the other side was just an illusion
There's glory and beauty down here, the others shout at me from the bottom, you can find it

But the other side of the mountain keeps singing its hopeful song
But if i keep hanging on, the wind will get me and knock me clear over, making the choice for me

I shut my tear stained eyes, unable to move anymore, praying, if I'm meant to make it, let me make it, if I'm meant to let go, let the wind push me off this mountain

Only for the wind to scream back, your choice

To this day that girl's still stuck there, clinging to the side of that mountain
The people in the village tell tales of her
You see that girl stuck to the side of the mountain,
She went up there with hopes and dreams
And froze to death
A cautionary tale now told to children
"that's what you get, you know, for following things blindly based on a hunch and a dream."

Maybe she'll always haunt the side of the mountain, they say she walks up and down the trail with frozen tears still telling tales of the glory on the other side


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