the mountain prt 2

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The wind on the mountain finally pushed me off, but they gave me a soft landing.
Only a few cuts and bruises since i wasn't up too high.
Left to walk back to the village in shame. Tell me about the glory at the top of the mountain, people sneered.
I dont want to talk about it, i said to find my way back to the table where my family looked at me with pitied eyes.
Nice enough to change the subject and move on.
But oh how the village people mocked me. You stupid, how could you love and fight for something you don't even know?
Once you got to know what it was, the wind didnt push you, you let go.
The other side of the mountain was filled with only darkness.
The sounds and sparkling lights were an illusion, i was dumb enough to fall for. Hopes and dreams are the killer of men. There's nothing wrong with having a wish, even when it doesn't come true, lick your wounds and move on, said my family.
I'm unable to look at their knowing and judgmental stares
we told you so, we told you, they say without speaking.
At nighttimes sometimes i still look up at that mountain tears in the corners of my eyes but i no longer hear the music because i know the truth.

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