Chapter 4: I can't think of a good title

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America and Japan return to the three alcoholics and see 3 states talking to Russia, Germany, and Poland.

USA: Oh, it looks like Indiana, Ohio, and Alaska made some new friends.

The 2 sir down with the others. Ohio and Indiana are busy talking to Germany and Poalnd in German while Alaska is talking to Russia in Russian.

Ohio: *in german* So yeah, the reason we know German is cause us and our brother Illinois wanted to learn German and our dad taught us

Germany: *in german* Oh really?

OH: *in german* Yeah, it was really easy for Indiana

Indiana: *in german* I never forget anything, which is a blessing and a curse

Germany realizes what that means and is lucky that he can forget stuff. Poland already realized how forgetting stuff was really helpful. Poland then turns his attention to America.

Poland: *in polish* America, why did you move here?

America: *in polish* I've got family here. They said they could offer me a job in the UN so I decided it was a nice idea. I still need to enroll the state's in school.

P: *in polish* Oh, well I can help with the school part. I'm a teacher there

USA: *in polish* That'd be great!

Poland, Germany, Japan, and Russia said their goodbyes. Germany, Russia, and Japan proceeded to help him into the UN, which they worked in while Poland helped him enroll his states.

(Authors note: Sorry for the short Chapter, I needed to wrap this part of the story up to move on to the next part)

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